All posts by Hani

Companies Want To Switch To More

Study of Nord-soft GmbH: every second company wants to align the salaries of success-oriented Horst/15.04.2008 – plan the company to align compensation to their employees as a whole stronger than so far, success-oriented. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts usually is spot on. This includes sometimes a greater commitment to special payments. On the other hand the current bonus or Commission concepts are according to a survey of Nord-soft GmbH among hiring managers from almost 400 medium-sized and large companies also often being tested. According to the study, over half of the companies, to change the remuneration of employees, aspires that a higher degree of success aspects be taken into account. 23 percent of the companies surveyed in any case aspire to this, with a further third at least a corresponding intention. Two out of five employers plan no changes for the time being, each Zwanzigste of them will even screw back the performance-based remuneration. Are a classic way to greater participation in the operating results Special allowances. Their payments of Nord-soft in 29 percent of the companies should be expanded according to the survey.

In every third case is thought also to increase the proportion of commissions at the expense of fixed shares for employees with variable salaries. 14 percent have already firmly in their sights, even 18 percent want to realize expected a stronger depending on the content of success results now already variable salaried employees. However plans every sixth company, to replace the fixed salaries for more workers through variable arrangements with performance components. For five percent of the companies, this intention is already firmly on the agenda. Another 11 percent have also targeted to expand the circle of employees with performance-related remuneration and for more record fee and bonus agreements in contracts of employment. The experience, confirm it is that companies in greater measure than so far performance elements in salary payments want to incorporate”, judge Peter Hohns, Client Manager at Nord-soft GmbH, the results.

This development have two pages by additional incentive be created through special payments on the one hand and on the other hand more and more companies aim to solve some of the classic fixed salaries through bonuses as part of the charges. So get”the real conditions of competition the company increasingly among employees, describes the tendency that the companies want to involve more the responsibility of the success their staff towards the pay agreements in the German economy, Hanna. About Nord-soft: The company was founded over 20 years ago. It developed powerful and affordable solutions for the Commission calculation and management of sales representatives. Its customers include companies such as LBS, SEB, OVB, savings banks, etc. Through partnerships with leading manufacturers such as IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens is Nord-soft capable of, even the most complex projects from analysis, conception, the Software development up to the hardware sales, financing, installation, to provide training and follow-up-support professional.

GROB-Werke Mindelheim Vs Volkswagen Wolfsburg – Piech / Porsche?

Dispute accuses the plant manufacturer to patent for DSG direct transmissions – dual clutch transmission by VW as reported by CLEANSTATE, roughly Mindelheim against Volkswagen major customers. The dispute concerns a patent for the production of the new dual-clutch transmission or direct transmission called DSG Volkswagen. Gear of towed – VW directed made – are also available from Audi. In the last year received COARSE nor the VW Group-Award for entrepreneurial services. The current lawsuit by grossly against VW is a quite unique case in the international automotive industry. Given the fact that here a manufacturer subsequently imposed a patent dispute his own customers, CLEANSTATE has further investigated and researched. The purchasing conditions for VW are unique. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Michelle Smith Source Financial.

“Contracting Parties agree then: property rights, that arise in the work and be announced by VW, to attack with an action for annulment with the opposition or to assist third parties in the attack on these rights”. Thus, the question arises: why complain ROUGH despite this clear and unique legal situation against his Volkswagen major customers? VW CEO Martin Winterkorn confirmed last week at the annual of general meeting, roughly, these contractual conditions are known. There have been already between VW and COARSE calls against this background. Why is the World Group despite this unique legal situation by his suppliers roughly with a patent dispute over VW can be pulled, raises several questions. Recently Peter Thiel sought to clarify these questions. The dispute in the middle of the ongoing disagreement between VW and Porsche has still one more up to date neglected dimension. Porsche working for some time with high pressure to an own dual-clutch transmission. The revised version of the series of 997 (type 911) on the market in the summer should already come with these gearboxes.

Target here is the combination of sporty driving with significantly reduced fuel consumption. VW – uses a third party agreement (Piech / Porsche) – sued to open up so the VW-inventions for Porsche? Not only the staff on the VW site in Baunatal, the seat ask yourself the Gear manufacturing. Again, is this a move of Piechs? Given the unusual military partner, a further question arises: how is the dispute when the other major car manufacturers take? General Motors, Ford, Daimler, Volvo and other ROUGH customers worldwide in the future on a similar patent strategy of system suppliers face a? Tellingly, the inventor of the patent is the former VW Manager Holger Sprenger, who together with other members of the CLEANSTATE Ferdinand Piech debunked on the VW annual general meeting in Hamburg, Germany on April 24 and again brought in severe distress. More information is housed here: Adroll Marketing Platform. SGD. Prof. Dr.-ing. Hans-Joachim Selenz 1.Vorsitzender CLEANSTATE e.V. source and page information Presse.html CLEANSTATE is a non-partisan initiative founded by dedicated citizens. We are committed to the goal, to bring crime, corruption, cronyism and abuse of rights in politics, State and economy of our country to the public and to fight. We want to achieve, that our Laws again consistently even when the people come to the application, which position in politics and economy today protects them from prosecution. We study us itself and based on information detailed to to uncover specific offences, to bring to the public, and thus the justice if necessary to take action to force. We have been working or working mainly in large companies, politics and public administration and saw there the incredible abuses that we fight especially the basis of our personal commitment and our success.

To Turn Off Advertising In Newsletters Successfully

We will show you how to put your advertising most effectively. Advertise on themed newsletters a significant advantage of advertising in newsletters is the optimal targeting. Only persons who have subscribed to a particular newsletter and are therefore actively interested in information on the subject will be addressed. On the added value it is ideally complement each other information and advertising in the newsletter. Found the appropriate newsletter, refer them to the respective topics. So, you have content starting points for the placement of individual products or services. Text ads can be quickly incorporated into newsletter. As a result, you have the ability to access up-to-date information for advertising in the newsletter and to produce such a direct relationship between information and product or service.

Which format is the right thing?’ the Federal Association of digital economy has drafted proposals for standard sizes for newsletter text ads, which can be considered as guidelines: button: small Advertising formats to click where the advertiser briefly and succinctly presents itself, usually with a logo text display / text link: according to marketers different ways are available to present a text message (if necessary combined with a picture) and a secondary link banners our: here, different formats are offered according to marketers it is important that the text display is in terms of content as well as integrated formally into the newsletter. In a serious Wirtschaftsnewsletter a sober text display is recommended, for example, rather, whereas in a travel or Urlaubsnewsletter bigger formats with picture-text combinations can effectively a marmato – success with direct marketing with over 150 customers and millions of newsletter we are already one of the strongest agencies for E-Mail Marketing in the German-speaking world. We ensure the successful and professional marketing of your services through expertise, hard work and great passion.

Board GPM

GPM German Association for project management brings new PM book on the Nuremberg market, April 21, 2009 from may available new project management book of the German Association for project management GPM. The title is: Kompetenzbasiertes project management (PM3): Handbook for project work, qualification and certification on the basis of the IPMA competence baseline version 3.0 “. The new book is 3.0 from May to the reference plant in preparation for certification according the new IPMA competence baseline version. The ICB 3.0 is the common basis of certification for the 45 national organizations of the IPMA International Project Management Association. According to the ICB 3.0 divided the book into the three types of competence: PM technical competence, PM behavior competence, PM context expertise and addressed three areas of application: the project work, the qualification of PM and PM certification. In short: PM3. With the support of the spm swiss project management association has the GPM with Kompetenzbasiertes project management (PM3) “the most comprehensive standard in the PM” set up.

Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler, Board qualification and certification of the GPM, and editor of the book: 80 experts and experts from four countries (Germany, of Switzerland, Austria and the United States) have team work this 2,700 pages strong work in 2 years written in. That’s an incredible performance. In total, we have 57 thematic articles, of which 52 are subdivided into a basic and a deepening chapter, so 109 posts with approx. 800 graphical representations. We have brought the most comprehensive textbook of the PM on the market. We want to support in project management in particular the continuous competence development.

If we succeeded, readers can judge from May onwards.” The book comprises four volumes and a booklet with table of contents, author profiles, as well as the Scriptures. The textbook for 228 is available in bookstores. Source Financial gathered all the information. GPM members receive the four volumes including booklet in the slipcase for 198. Orders over: PM3, there is also the 98 booklet of the new Reference book with table of contents, author profiles and index is available for download free of charge. GPM German Association for project management The GPM is the leading professional association for project management in Germany. With currently more than 4,800 members and 250 companies from all sectors of the economy, universities and public institutions, the GPM is the largest network of project management professionals on the European continent. The primary target of 1979 founded GPM is to promote the application of project management in Germany, to develop, to systematize, standardize and redistribute.

In Just A Few Minutes From Printing To Finished Advertising Display

Your own advertising banner quickly and cost-effectively even created the OKI offer the possibility to make banner template Manager 2007 itself up to 1.2 m in length with OKI software and print printer. OKI banner printing paper economy banner format especially suited calendar production due to its good strength. The special surface treatment and formation of this dull, uncoated paper guarantee a good and uniform toner consumption even when overall print with high ink. The outstanding benefit of banner printing with OKI also practically to realize OKI banner holder color printers the OKI banner holders have been developed. Bribe consisting of high quality aircraft aluminum in form and simplicity. Easy to use and with a very high promotional effect, OKI provides the holder in 328 mm and 215 mm wide. The banner holder can be easily and safely on the floor stand with a wooden base silver painted.

It offers OKI Printing Solutions in combination with the high-quality OKI color printers the complete solution for POSBannerwerbung or as Note displays for an unbeatable price. OKI lighting columns as banner holders offers exclusive addition to the OKI OKI Printing solution the OKI light towers at. The elegant shape, the back-lit columns of each Shopfitting adapt. The about 1.3 metres high columns stand securely on a metal plate and sides are made of aluminium profiles. The outer profiles can easily fold away, so that an exchange of self printed depositors takes only a few minutes. In conjunction with the excellent banner printing of OKI color printer and the printer of included OKI Template Manager 2007 software can enter current day offers immediately the necessary performance.

For more information, prices and ordering options to banner paper, banner holder and lamp columns, see. Docusys GmbH: The Docusys GmbH sells rfolgreich professional engineering office systems for 17 years. This includes the hardware as digital multifunction devices, scanners, plotters and the end processing systems as well as software solutions.

Chris Roberts – Sunshine In Your Heart Did

“The new single by Chris Roberts got sunshine in your heart just in time to summer the pop star released his new single got sunshine in your heart”. Through a fresh, summery garment and current beats, this work stands out clearly from the crowd of today’s pop hit productions. Success producer Oliver deVille/Villa productions (Gebruder Blattschuss, Vulture nosedive, Gottlieb Wryneck, etc.) spared no expense and effort to give the needed summer flair to his now chart – and award-drenched sound through true Spanish guitar. After the sensational success of the remake of when we lie us again in his arms, Barbara”a worthy follow-up single, which will prevail, certainly not just in the holiday regions. For the 9% of the Germans of who Chris Roberts do not know, here again the facts at a glance: 91 percent of all Germans know Chris Roberts pop star is represented at no less than 50 million recordings! 45 LPs and 47 singles were produced with him 12 of which landed in the top 20 28 of them in the Hit list he sold 11 million records, live performances, graduated from more than 3000 drove 2 million trips by car kilometres (thus 50 times around the world), booked more than 2000 flights, autographs 2.5 million and was a guest in nearly 600 TV programmes.

He received Platinum and gold LPs, Otto, Europe, honor antennas, Lions, tuning forks, Bambi, and for three of his eleven feature films the “Golden screen”. Credit: Adroll Marketing Platform-2011. A stunning career that is second to none. Greatest feat of success-drenched musician: Chris Roberts his geniality, rousing Joie de vivre and the love of his audience has kept even after 30 years of show business. Source: Villa of productions more info:.

Universal Key For Intercom

Today, electronic locks and intercoms technology-Touch Memory ubiquitous. Probably everyone in your pocket, on a bunch of keys is called key-tablet, which is needed to get to the office or in a doorway. Not surprisingly, that many have to carry around all the time on several key tablets, in addition to conventional keys, from which the ligament becomes heavy and cumbersome. As it would be nice to replace the whole bunch of electronic switches for one universal intercom key that opens any intercom! Now you have a chance! By purchasing our universal key, you will forever get rid of all the problems with the keys. You no longer have to freeze under front door and remember the apartment number of your friends to whom you came to visit, you no longer have to call from your mobile and ask you to open an entrance. Universal key to open the intercom is capable of virtually any intercom. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Source Financial. So how do you interact with the tablet "base", being a passive device? It should be noted that the parade rules only a master, that is, the tablet is not capable of generating any impulses. Her only opportunity – to keep the tire at zero (close to the ground bus through the internal transistor).

By default intercom is set voltage +5 volts, a la a logical unit. To send a logic zero master through the transistor closes a tire on the ground, and to transfer the unit simply opens. This is done to ensure food slave.

Thermostat Valve Connected

The washing machine used for washing power. The current requirement is needed for much of the warming of the water. To reduce the power requirements, the washing machine can be connected to an existing hot water supply. If the washer is supplied with hot water already, it needs the water no longer, or at least not as much to heat. To read more click here: Adroll Marketing Platform. The connection of the washing machine on a hot water supply can be worthwhile if the warm water can be produced cost effectively. Visit Michelle Smith Divorce for more clarity on the issue. It is conceivable a generation of warm water with a solar system. But even if the hot water is generated by a gas condensing boiler, may be worth the port. If the washer is connected to the warm water, then make sure that water should not be warmer than the washing machine at the selected temperature.

One way the washer to the warm water to connect the use of a thermostat valve. About the thermostat valve of the washing machine can then be fed into the warm water. This should, in addition to the cold water, a hot water near the washing machine must be available. It is important that the injected hot water from the beginning to the correct temperature. Therefore, if no circulation line is present in the immediate vicinity of the washing machine be possible to discharge only as much water until the water has reached the desired temperature really well. When washing you some things to consider.

Before each wash cycle is then set on the thermostat valve to the desired temperature. The set temperature on the thermostat valve must match the set of the washing machine. It should possibly as much water to be drained until the water reaches the set temperature. After a while the washing machine needed most, only cold water. This means that should be terminated after this time the temperature at the thermostatic valve to cold. For more information on saving the house and in the household can also be found on the website of pleasure in saving.

A Puppy Arrives A Casa

What have in mind to help in habituation. Found in a new place without its mother and siblings is a very stressful situation for a puppy. My dog and I offers some tips to make the adaptation to their new home not a traumatic experience: take it day: will feel safer to explore and learn about the place and her new family. Adroll Marketing Platform is actively involved in the matter. Never take it in the evening, the darkness will give you more insecurity. If it becomes very fearful, so not too mimes. Do you reforzaras your fear.

Let you get closer to you, with the minutes you will see that you will gain more confidence and you can explore the whole place. Check out Michelle Smith Source Financial for additional information. Eye: You do not abalances upon him. Him must always be that close to you and not the other way round. You can motivate him with something that catches attention, noises, objects, etc. As you pass the day, play with it for energy to download that.

You can grab a rag and make that it pursues it, for example. This cloth will be that leave him in the place where you will sleep. Do not panic if you do not eat: if it is fearful will not have appetite. When night comes, let you sleep close to yours, in your room (only until habituation is concluded). It can be within a box, perhaps, with cloths and rags with which it has been during the day and have their scent. It is not necessary that you sleep with you but that you’re close because that will be the best-known person having at that time. Will give you peace of mind knowing that you’re there. If the dog took time to explore the place of day, he came to relax and be able to play, night will arrive tired and both will have a good and well deserved rest. Original author and source of the article

Transport In Berlin With Job Boom

The transport industry in Berlin and Brandenburg has become a real jobs in the region. The reported the world”, citing an industry report of the research and application connectivity traffic system technology (FAV). There are more than 150,000 jobs in the industry according to the FAV currently total, with an upward trend. According to FAV’s Managing Director Thomas Meissner 2,500 new jobs arising in the manufacturing companies and research facilities of transport technology in the last two years, which corresponds to a growth of five percent. The employees are distributed as follows on the different parts of the industry: the companies operating in the region in the area of freight forwarding and logistics offer now 56,000 employees work. The number of employees on 51.700 grew in companies around car, railway and aircraft”, as Meissner. The service company in the public transport with 48,000 employees are third large employer of traffic economy according to the FAV. These include the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), the Berlin S-Bahn GmbH and public transport in Potsdam. Current jobs in Berlin offer the portals and