Companies Want To Switch To More

Study of Nord-soft GmbH: every second company wants to align the salaries of success-oriented Horst/15.04.2008 – plan the company to align compensation to their employees as a whole stronger than so far, success-oriented. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts usually is spot on. This includes sometimes a greater commitment to special payments. On the other hand the current bonus or Commission concepts are according to a survey of Nord-soft GmbH among hiring managers from almost 400 medium-sized and large companies also often being tested. According to the study, over half of the companies, to change the remuneration of employees, aspires that a higher degree of success aspects be taken into account. 23 percent of the companies surveyed in any case aspire to this, with a further third at least a corresponding intention. Two out of five employers plan no changes for the time being, each Zwanzigste of them will even screw back the performance-based remuneration. Are a classic way to greater participation in the operating results Special allowances. Their payments of Nord-soft in 29 percent of the companies should be expanded according to the survey.

In every third case is thought also to increase the proportion of commissions at the expense of fixed shares for employees with variable salaries. 14 percent have already firmly in their sights, even 18 percent want to realize expected a stronger depending on the content of success results now already variable salaried employees. However plans every sixth company, to replace the fixed salaries for more workers through variable arrangements with performance components. For five percent of the companies, this intention is already firmly on the agenda. Another 11 percent have also targeted to expand the circle of employees with performance-related remuneration and for more record fee and bonus agreements in contracts of employment. The experience, confirm it is that companies in greater measure than so far performance elements in salary payments want to incorporate”, judge Peter Hohns, Client Manager at Nord-soft GmbH, the results.

This development have two pages by additional incentive be created through special payments on the one hand and on the other hand more and more companies aim to solve some of the classic fixed salaries through bonuses as part of the charges. So get”the real conditions of competition the company increasingly among employees, describes the tendency that the companies want to involve more the responsibility of the success their staff towards the pay agreements in the German economy, Hanna. About Nord-soft: The company was founded over 20 years ago. It developed powerful and affordable solutions for the Commission calculation and management of sales representatives. Its customers include companies such as LBS, SEB, OVB, savings banks, etc. Through partnerships with leading manufacturers such as IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens is Nord-soft capable of, even the most complex projects from analysis, conception, the Software development up to the hardware sales, financing, installation, to provide training and follow-up-support professional.