Fourth Exposure:

Fourth exposure: Calvinism and science my fourth show, let me direct your attention to the nexus between science and Calvinism. Not to exhaust a subject of so much weight in a single exposure, of course. Only four points entrusts to your consideration: a first que yoga the Calvinism cultivo love for science: A second que to reset your domain ciencia , third que release the bonds non-natural science dea bible and fourth in how to search and find una solution of the conflict cientifico.El Calvinism inevitable growing to love the cienciaPrimero, then: in the hidden momentum Calvinism, an inclination, an incentive for scientific research. Aldous Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in Godalming, Surrey County, near London, within an English family of great intellectual tradition. By paternal grandfather was the famous British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley and her father, Leonard Huxley, biologist too, steered the journal Cornhill Magazine. Her mother, Julia Arnold, one of the first women to study at Oxford, was a niece of the poet Matthew Arnold and sister of the novelist Mrs. Humphry Ward, which acted as a protector of Aldous when fourteen years, the death occurred his mother due to a tumor.
The marriage of Leonard Huxley and Julia Arnold had four children: Julian (1887), Trevenan (1889), Aldous (1894) and Margaret (1899). His brother, Sir Julian Huxley, an eminent biologist, would become a prominent scientist and populariser first director of Unesco. In 1912, his father married Rosalind Bruce, who have two sons, one future Nobel Prize in Medicine, Andrew Huxley.
Aldous was a studious boy with a generous intelligence. When his biological parents, began his apprenticeship in his laboratory, then continued his studies at a school named Hillside, where his mother prayer worked until he fell ill.
Her mother, Julia, died in 1908, when Aldous was only 14 years. christ His brother Robert died in the same month. Three years later, he Aldous keratitis punctata and that seriously damage your eyesight. His older brother, Noel, committed suicide in 1914. When the First World War, problems of vision prevented his enlistment. Huxley provides its service voluntarily cutting firewood, working in an office of the Ministry of Aviation and taught. To recover from his illness visual, was admitted to the University of Oxford
Wrote his first novel (unpublished) at age 17 and began writing seriously at 20. Journalist and art critic, travels around the world and is related to the intelligentsia of the time. In Paris to attend the surrealists and write several essays about the movement. In 1916, Huxley entry in the “Oxford Poetry”, founded by a group of young poets and published two volumes of poems entitled “The Burning Wheel” (On soul The Wheel) and “Leda.” G.M. during the II was already a famous thinker and social satirist. Aldous lived a long time to Garsington Manor. Chromium in the scandals of caricaturing life Garsington. He married Maria Nys, which met at Garsington.
Very concerned about the disruption experienced by Western civilization, love he writes, during the 1930s, interesting books that deal with the serious threat posed by the marriage of power with scientific progress: the most famous of these is a happy world of 1932. Write also against war and nationalism, blind in Gaza. Their forecasts for future developments in technology media and society of the twentieth century found its expression in a happy world, where it poses a social caste system, control and domination exercised to maintain order and happiness. It is worth mentioning that Huxley considers himself an anarchist, which would explain part of his vision of life in both the political and cultural, but in the eyes of many in the libertarian movement of that time was an unorthodox or if you will, contradictory, although this has been one of the most influential in the anarchist movement and thinking about all the mid-twentieth century.
Step long periods in Italy for 30 years, until in 1937 he went to California. Just as his friend Gerald Heard, was denied citizenship because they refused to declare that his pacifism come from any religious body. In 1938 Aldous Theosophical Indus met Jiddu Krishnamurti, religion which admired his teachings. Converted to the religion god Vedanta, and introduced Christopher Isherwood in his circle. Later he wrote his book The Perennial Philosophy, with spiritual and mystical ideas.
Because of his illness, his books eyesight was weak, despite its mild recovery. In 1939, thanks to Margaret Corbett and Bates Method, achieving its vision to improve greatly. body By the way, they wrote a book, The Art Show, in which it explained that for the first time in 25 years, could read without problems. Years later, I practice meditation and adopt a vegetarian diet. One of his later work was more brilliant Demons of Loudun (1952), a complex study of a demonic possession in the seventeenth-century France.
His work at this time were heavily influenced by mysticism and his experiences with mescaline, which proved invited by the psychiatrist Humphry Osmond worship in 1953. The discovery of psychedelic substances (mescaline, LSD, psilocybin) and the interest that they have ‘used in a proper context “for the discovery of spirit, led him to write in 1954 the doors of perception (based on the title a poem by William Blake) and Heaven and Hell.
His wife, Maria, died of breast cancer in 1955.

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