Perspectives Of Jordanian Energy Supply

Renewable energy economy is in Jordan as Jordan’s investment potential with more than 5% growth in the previous year clearly on the rise. Progressive market liberalisation in the fields of energy, telecommunications and transport offers interesting investment opportunities to the private sector. The largest proportion of Jordanian imports already accounted for by Germany. Alternative energy Jordan currently plays a key role in the global energy supply. In the long term, the region has the potential to be in the area of energy production from renewable energy sources at the top with this – just solar and wind energy to address here. First projects (mainly in the fields of solar and wind energy) were implemented in the 1990s.

Programmes and laws shows the creation of a number of funding programmes in Jordan that this initiated use should be further expanded. Learn more about this with Michelle Smith Source Financial. Currently the country creates the legal, institutional and financial framework conditions for promoting renewable Energies and puts together a comprehensive set of rules. The proposed law to the area aims to establish renewable energy feed-in tariffs, tax and tariff reductions, incentives for investors and companies, as well as funding mechanisms for private households. For example, is intended to produce a 15% share of solar and wind energy in overall energy consumption by 2020. To achieve this ambitious goal, Jordan is looking for foreign investors and offers many investment incentives and tax benefits.