Tag Archives: mariela-barroso


? Do do do beauty already cannot be seen as an imposici? n’s communication media? n and cosmetic companies? tica and fashionable, nor as a whim of the modern age. Do we realize that since the antique? age men and women have been concerned about his appearance. Do do until the same Tom? s of Aquino already thing dec? a:?Beautiful is all what attracts and pleases our senses?. Do do beauty is a noci? abstract n linked to human existence and a concept studied by the est? tica, that branch of the selectiveness? who studies the essence and the perceptions? n of beauty. But returning to our time, in these early days of the 21st century, science and the art of beautifying have evolved at least from two points of view fundamental: in terms of the prevailing paradigm of beauty and the t? techniques to beautify. The predominant paradigm of beauty:?Return to the origin is not backward, quiz? s is walking towards knowledge? Do macaco this phrase illustrates fairly well the new paradigm and the current trends in the field of est? tica female, because the predominant idea is now the to concepts cl? sicos of beauty: the of do do dbx? n, armon? and simetr? to. This represents a great news for all of us, because you have a question? n very important is that it can be beautiful at any age. ?Do do do do incidentally that this coincides with the approach of health Est? tica we have been promoting since makes almost 15 a? os, which advocates that thing m? s important is the State of well-being of the individual that then it can manifest itself in the form of beauty, being as? beauty, therefore, without? nimo’s health. Do does increasingly feel m satisfied s of words that gave rise to our m? all:?Really Bella? Do do do (rea-bel), inasmuch as it is about is that beauty is not something superimposed, artificial, but m? s well the resulting from a State of general well-being that results in armon? to and becomes? pleasing to the senses?