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Study Customer Service

Automatic services should be expanded to Hamburg – German firms could save 50 percent of their costs in the customer service by they expand their website’s services. So far, the companies on average spend 780 euros per 100 requests. About 75 percent of the budget while accounted for personal conversations with customers (52 per cent) and support by phone (23 percent). But only 57 percent of all customer inquiries are also done via these channels. Costs and benefits will fall apart so much. t source of information. The study of multi-channel management comes to these results”of the software company Novomind in cooperation with the trade magazine TeleTalk. 174 professionals and leaders of the Internet economy were asked.

Similar results, a study by the consultancy Strateco comes on behalf of aspect software. According to the survey, 26 percent of call centers use only one channel, 20 percent two and 31 percent up to three channels. There is telephone, E-Mail and fax. Around a One-fifth has integrated the processing of mail. So far, the integration of Internet chat, SMS and MMS is the big exception. Direct customer discussions are straining the budget with an average 15 euros per request according to findings of the Novomind survey. In contrast, virtual advisor and dynamic FAQ systems already for ten cents per request provide the right answer to customer requests.

In practice such as one-third of all customer concerns can be solved quickly and easily. Because about 80 percent of all requests are standard inquiries, of which a large part answered is with the always same information. Dynamic FAQ system and virtual advisors understand, for example, natural language input and deliver promptly concrete answers, around the clock, 365 days a year. The virtual agents can forward also novel and complicated requests directly to the call center of the company. This speeds up the workflow and ensures that the customer is left not alone with individual questions. In addition to conversational Budget-conscious companies disproportionately often employ Smart SMS services to Internet channels. Especially compact information such as, for example, the sales order status reports are available as. Costs only one euro per SMS service, this channel ten percent can answer budget share, about 30 percent of all customer inquiries. Especially when a high volume of standard requests smart online and mobile services prove to be as low-cost alternative to telephone customer service. Because in the monthly budget the underlying database maintenance and operating costs of the digital communication channels are hardly noticeable. A well-balanced range of telephone and web-based self-service services gives customers the freedom of choice that he would like”, so the aspect study. Just the growing Internet generation will allow no longer offer technical restrictions”, confirms Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge in Berlin. The open source principle, the IT world will also on marketing and customer service. Start-ups such as get satisfaction would that prove. On the free forum, everyone could read, what do customers say about a botched order have to knowledge will no longer bunkered at the call center. A company must be prepared to give up control and unleash the things. An enthusiastic customer is the best and most credible promoter. Help there also no slogans at us the customer is ‘ further. The disposable propaganda of the company no longer caught in the social networks. There are”only acts, verifiable quality and credibility, sums up voice days spokesman Bernhard Steimel compared to the online magazine NeueNachricht by Gunnar Sohn