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Second Language

The course English as a Second Language uses a very natural approach to learning – a practical, applied. After all, when you learn to ride bicycle or learning to drive a car – you mostly to practice. At first, go get bad, then skill grows, you will master the new techniques and become a master of driving. You do not lint on the textbook and learn a lot of theory. Likewise, a person who wants to learn to draw, to go to class and picks up a brush and paint, not a textbook with theory. The theory goes later and will initially appear only in patches of practical classes.

That's right, but not vice versa. Because as soon as we break the natural course of things, things we mess up. You know, probably, experts, shouting at the stadium "muff!" And giving instructions to players how to play, where run and how to train. However, ask a wiseacre to enter the field and play, so that he for himself was not ashamed! It is unlikely that he will agree. Indeed, theory and practice – are too different area. So it is with language.

If you start learn a language with a grammar with the rules of reading – you may have and you will know them well. But to guarantee that you will be able to communicate No, it needs just practice. How do I get a lot of practice to give a minimum theory and maximum use and enjoyment of learning English? This you can find out by visiting a free introductory lesson, the English course English as a Second Language. And not only learn in theory, but also to feel almost at first hand how does this natural method of language learning. The practical part of a free introductory lesson will allow you to learn how to naturally memorize words, you start to talk, even if you are to this day do not know English – a single word. Come, get acquainted with the course, find a pleasant and effective way to learn English. Enough to learn English, start talking!