Superfund Includes Insurance & Pension

Up to + 50.2 percent net return on investment in only six months Frankfurt am main – the Superfund asset management GmbH, this week presented the results of their investment products for the first half of 2008. For investors, the figures were cause for joy. So successful, Superfund was never launched in over 12 years history in a calendar year. After four years of Seitwartsphase Super Fund returned with the best results in the first half since the launch of the first Fund in 1996. The managed-futures products from Superfund had already proven themselves since the beginning of the year in a difficult market environment. According to the society 2008 trend followers could compared to previous years, in which rather short-term global trading systems have achieved successful results due to the very short and volatile trends, in the year medium to long-term trading systems strengths show again.

This year our working medium to long-term trading systems awarded. So our products authorised for public distribution in Germany could ever after Record strategy gains between + 26.7% in A strategy and + 50.7% in the C strategy. Particularly profitable were among the rising crude oil and gold price \”, says Christian Baha, founder and owner of Superfund. Even more capital market dynamics will influence the ongoing mortgage crisis and doubts about the continued development of the world economy.\” The recipe for success of Superfund * all investment decisions are made at Superfund by a computer-controlled trend result model. This human mistakes due to emotional behavior are largely excluded. Hardly an other investment company relies to so consistently the modern portfolio theory of Nobel Prize winner Harry Markowitz, such as Superfund. Superfund follows the recommendation of Markowitz, to minimize assets, the investment risk through diversification of trading by over 100 different markets. In addition to stock indices, bonds and foreign exchange, Superfund is a wide range of raw materials.