Category Archives: News


An accident. But from whom?, I was wondering as to my mind and my body recovered its usual constants of the vigil. By curious as it may seem, not even I had worried find out the identity of the caller. Theirs was a left voice, who spoke slowly, almost in whispers. A male voice, dare I say. But it wasn’t safe. Why, then, had do you case that promptly? In part, I said, while the headlights of my car parting the darkness of the adjacent streets, badly lit and splashed by rain constant and monotonous, because I was a familiar voice.

It was someone close to me, obviously, even if not I would have been able to clarify exactly who was. The streets of the city, apart from having very little light at a time they needed it and be increasingly more wet would have provoked the accident an electrical failure?, they were strangely deserted. I drew me even more that fact attention because I was hoping that I found with ambulances, police patrol cars, fire brigade vehicles, I don’t know, something that escenificase the existence of a tragedy somewhere. Neither had occurred to me putting the car radio to have more data. I guess that, although he would not give me account, yet I was particularly thick and obnubilado in the middle of the morning.

He had not even taken a coffee to clear me. Listen to the radio news an accident always is news, even if it occurs at an untimely time for news services, most preferred to think in my anonymous caller. Who was? Why had I phoned precisely me? What me the accident affected? I looked by the rear view mirror and saw no light at the back of my car. There was also no life overflooded streets that swept the beams of headlights.

Excel Courses

One of the most versatile and powerful services that are for the handling of data is the Excel.Fue created by Microsoft, trying to find a program that was easy to use and could massively fast, covering spaces that had been left by other softwares of lower efficiency. Now you can make Excel courses in Mendoza and discover the varied features that this application has to ofrecerbis, including the macros and the possibility to use Visual Basic script. Saying that Excel this apt to use Visual Basic script, we are saying that the program itself is a kind of platform with the ability to view the instructions generated by this programming language. It was designed by the German Alan Cooper, as a derivation of the Basic, that tosco program that was used in early computers interface.The Visual Basic was a change in the idea of the management of data and the feasibility of interacting with a program in a manner as ever possible until then. Therefore, hand in hand with Visual Basic it is feasible to create forms, and schedule to Excel to respond in a certain way to certain commands for example, we have a list of products, and through a series of instructions in Visual Basic-generated we can charge the barcode of all of them in massive, fast and simple way. To put it in other words, Visual Basic allows us to give instructions to our Excel spreadsheets so that they act in a certain way in certain situations, thus generating feature that greatly expand our capacity for action. The macros are an application for Visual Basic. They are a set of instructions programmed in Visual Basic, that enables the automation of repetitive tasks, both the generation of complex calculations and the decomposition of the information, as their aggregate, and management in general data, providing almost unlimited possibilities to the user. It could be said that the visual Basic and the possibility of working with macros is what provides the real jump in quality in terms of operation with Excel. Taking a course in Excel in Mendoza it will be possible to learn how to use these two tools in a comprehensive way, and give them the most.

Ismael Cassar Understand

If the dedication in finding a valid answer is 9 minutes, assumes that the total time dedicated the Spaniards in finding information looking for really amounts to 126 million of minutes, or what is the same, 2.1 million hours. How long will this last? Do much you to companies the time workers spend in finding information? There are already very advanced initiatives, who have spent many years analyzing malfunction of search engines and the good business which have generated in its coffers. Initiatives that will soon see the light. Initiatives that they understand that the phrases, that they understand the sum of words, who understand up to questions and they emit only results that have specific answers to what actually wondered or wanted. You are initiatives that they already have full name, Chase just to a user, when you search for something on the internet, whether in the internal search engine of a web or using tools online informative or dedicated to education, find click coup exactly what you are looking for. This so-called Artificial Intelligence tool IRESPONDING and developed by a team of programmers led by the engineer of Telecomunicaciones D.

Ismael Cassar, who has dedicated over twenty-five years to take advantage of the Artificial Intelligence, it is that current engines are those who have given the encouragement, sufficient ideas and clues that a group of catalan private capital has invested and put their trust in him during the last 5 years and have allowed him to continue and have prepared the launch your tool IResponding for before the end of this year 2010. In the tests that we have seen, the system only emits a response. It will allow linking to sponsored content related to those who searched and based on descriptions of products more concrete. Times to find the answer you are looking for will be smaller than the time that it takes to put in IResponding (or current conventional search) what you want to find out. From GO Media, S.L., understand that IResponding is going to revolutionize current responses in the network systems, of the internal search websites and searches in mobile telephony, which also will give answers with voice. Probably, current engines and telecommunications companies will have to come to understand its operation or get a new version of what currently exists.

New Image Editing Software

Car retouching for portraits ArcSoft portrait + ArcSoft recently published a new photo editing software portrait + for professional photographers. Portrait + will promote significantly the productivity of your retouching of portraits, because it can: automatically portraits with auto face detection in the one-click retouching mode; Automatically and of course recognize skin of the whole body; Hundreds of photos stack process to improve efficiency; Preset and user-defined styles have; PhotoShop plugin version. This software won CES innovation and engineering 2012 “. Features: 1 auto-detection and intelligent retouching a) puffy eyes, dark circles, freckles and wrinkles are recognized and automatically remove b) five skin smoothing steps cover all skin types. Choose to reduce the most suitable to soften skin, blemishes and the natural complexion to optimize c) automatic and accurate positioning of the features of each portraits saves time and labor costs when compared to the manual setting of d) software detects up to 20 faces in a photo. A skip-face tool can improve some faces on a photo, while others are ignored 2.

Good quality batch a) within seconds hundreds of portrait photos batch – import and batch – export, and with a simple click batch b) individual styles for different photos can be created with batch processing. c) JPG and TIFF formats are supported. The maximum resolution is 6000 * 6000 pixels and 480 * 480 pixel 3 Intelligent detection and softening the skin of the whole body a is the minimum) Intelligent automatic detection of all visible skin, not just those in the facial area b) selectable brush to customize the skin-smoothing areas of 4 powerful tools for improving the retouching a) smart stain removal for complete removal of deep scars, pimples and other defects and simultaneous approximation to the original skin structure b) new thumbnail styles let you quickly check, or each photo change the style. 5 Different styles created a perfect portraits) 27 refined preset styles like eyes brightening, slimmer face and smile reinforcing can be applied with a single click. b) make-up features tools such as lipstick, blush, eyeshadow and more c contain) all user-defined styles can be stored immediately and to apply to other photos. 6 Save and export a) adjust the output quality / output size of all photos according to your requirements. (b) with an embedded comparison interface export all impressive results to filter out the unwanted results.

For more information please click here: portraitplus/en/about ArcSoft: ArcSoft GmbH was founded in 1994. ArcSoft is a leading software developer, which develops technologies for multimedia, image processing, and application software. For 18 years, ArcSoft delivers for customers worldwide, particularly for Imaging industry leaders such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Kodak, Fujifilm etc hundreds of cutting-edge, high-quality products / solutions.

Automation Facilities For Beginners

In the sequel we mean by Restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs, etc. Increasing the number of people in cities of over one million leads to the fact that the booming market segment of public catering. In this regard, institutions related to public power is becoming more and they are varied. In some institutions, people come to sit and chat. As others come to dinner to hurry to eat.

This, however, a slight breeze is pushing for planning a very different type of institution. These little things and you should be approached with great care. After all, how do you get it right rasplaniruete, so you will work in the future. Will Whether your institution is popular and how many customers you can be served simultaneously – should ponder this. The problem of automation c institutions each year becomes more urgent. Most owners of establishments recognizes that control this business in the future without this reliable automation systems, such as hPOS is simply impossible.

Consider the work of institutions at different stages. In my opinion, this ring system, first make purchases of goods, then on the basis of the purchased goods (ingredients) makes dishes, these dishes are sold and the money received from clients, you buy products again. Goods at this stage is as follows: v Parish goods at the warehouse. v consumption goods from the warehouse. Manufacture of food. Sales of food. v Inventory of goods remains in the warehouse. Check these stages in this complex pos can help you to automate operations on goods.

April Sanchez

Fleas thrive in conditions of high temperature, therefore in warm areas, it is best to put flea killing your dog all year round. Treatment bath your dog is the first step to liberate it from the fleas. Be careful to use a shampoo especially for combating fleas and not be too strong for the puppies. Consultation with your veterinarian about what to use. They also relieve the irritation and itching. Don’t use shampoo because it does not protect your dog after bath. An alternative is a collar against fleas.

But it will only kill the fleas that are on the neck and face of your dog, not the whole body. In addition, they can pollute water dog to remove poison. A good choice is to use sprays and pipettes against fleas, both for your dog as you, but be careful to read carefully the instructions on where to apply each. Products for your home may be too strong for your dog. Use 2 or 3 products at the same time can be toxic to your dog. If your dog has many fleas, I recommend you try your House also. Methoprene and fenoxycarb, two ingredients of the sprays against fleas, are efficient and safe.

They stop the growth of the eggs and avoid they become fleas. As mentioned, the sprays are very strong for the dogs, therefore take them for a ride when you apply them. Some products are designed to kill the adult fleas. Before applying these products, vent and shakes the carpets and furniture to get to the eggs and larvae of their cocoons. The products recommended by veterinarians for flea control are: Pyriproxyfen (Nylor, Archer) and Lufenuron (Program), Imidacloprid (Advantage) and Fipronil (Frontline Top Spot), Cythioate (Proban), and Fenthion (Pro-Spot). Find out more about your dog thank you and have a nice day! April Sanchez. Original author and source of the article

Agrotechnical Requirements

With the technological scheme with preliminary removal of foliage machine must be collected in the bunker at least 70% of the crop foliage. When cleaning the tops are not allowed to collapse rows of potatoes wheel assembly, the destruction of tuberous nests, extracting tubers on the surface of the field or being damaged. machine continues to collect the tops in the hopper and unload it in vehicles or collect it at the end of estrus in a heap. It should also be provided for spreading chopped tops in the field. Potato and potato harvesters have to dig up the tubers at a depth of 21 cm and a width of nests tubers to 40 cm Potato should draw on the field surface at least 95% of the crop of tubers. Tubers dug dvuhryadkovym diggers sifting type should be stacked strip no wider than 1 m. With separate cleaning Potato tubers should be dug to lay a felling of two, four or six rows.

This should remain the passages for the wheels combine-up. The width of the roll formed from two dug rows should be no more than 70 cm, and four – six rows – no more than 90 cm The thickness of the layer of soil and tubers in the rolls should not exceed 10 cm in the work of Potato allowed damage is not more than 3% of tubers by weight. Harvester shall collect in the hopper at least 97% of the potato crop. Loss of all species are not must not exceed 3%. Clean potatoes in the container should be at least 80%. Number of mechanical damage to tubers of all types are allowed no more than 12%.

When separate harvesting potato harvester with the selected device should collect from the roll formed valkoukladchikom-diggers, with two or four – six rows of at least 95% of tubers. Varieties of potato harvesters of modern potato harvesters were formed in result of the combination and the combination in a variety of relatively small amounts of separating and supporting the working bodies, different methods of issuance of tubers, as well as the use of different methods block design combines with power tools. By way of aggregation harvesters can be divided into trailers, semi-mounted, mounted and self propelled. The first and second type of processor can be divided into having its own motor for driving the working bodies or agencies working with the drive shaft from the tractor pto. However, the assignment of the combine to a particular class or group on these indicators have not yet completely characterizes its design and technological features. Therefore, as the most important classification criteria characterizing the technological scheme of the combine, take the following indicators: completeness of execution combine the required operations, sequence of operations of the technological process, the nature of a process of separation shallow soil, type of ground separating the operating entity, type of working body for separating solids; direction of the mass in the implementation process, method of collection and issuance of tubers. Potato harvesters must perform the following enlarged operation: broken into beds with tubers, the tubers separated from the shallow soil, soil clods, stones, leaves and vegetable matter; submerge the potatoes in vehicles. Each of the consolidated operations in the implementation mechanized by dismembered into smaller ones, running one or more working bodies.

Bergisch Gladbach Tel

The new GPS datalogger from Dolphin technology the company Dolphin technology has its new GPS datalogger expanded with more features and at the same time enormously easier (see Web page). Now the GPS data logger both the current situation and the position and direction of an object can also register. Previous models, the user on the recording and printing of temperatures and speeds were limited. New acquisition of the values according to the NMEA 0183 Protocol, it is now possible to record GPS data and more measurement results, to save them, and to monitor as needed. Technology was integrated into the new GPS data logger by Dolphin a new converter also. This allows you to transform of the data in an XML file conforming to Google Earth.

It is achieved a particularly vivid representation of data by the data material using a color gradient on a map can be made recognizable. In addition the fast and comprehensive analysis of data on their speed, the height, and the environment. These innovative function supports dynamic tests and data collection in the environment first and foremost. Also the combination with other measurements is now child’s play. The new GPS datalogger is independently calculated the respective longitude and latitude from the information collected. Storing collected data can be carried out directly into the internal memory core, or alternatively via GPRS / UMTS wireless transmission on a PC at work, or on any other computer. Thanks to the one used in the new GPS data logger “ProfiSignal go” program evaluation data in offline mode is possible as well as the online monitoring of recorded information. By transforming it into different charts, a very clear presentation of the results is possible with the new GPS datalogger. LogMessage is more than sufficient as hardware for the majority of the GPS datalogger. There is also the option to expand the modular TopMessage of master-slave system with extremely many channels on the. Contact: Delphin Technology AG lust Heath 81 51427 Bergisch Gladbach Tel: + 49 (0) 2204 97685-0 E-mail:

Decurrent Financial

The options are few: To enlist professional new m; To search a professional in competition or to expatriate an employee of the main office or another parents. Any of the three alternatives is very custosas, therefore to search a new professional requires expenses of conscription and election, adaptability in the new negotiates, the times adaptation to a new locality, etc; on the other hand, to search a professional in the competition requires in many occasions to increase the package of similar remuneration to attract the professional and finally, to bring a professional of annuls matrix or of one another parents require enormous expenses with change, financial package, education of languages and still the cost of an exchange in result of lack of adaptation to the Latin countries. 3.3? Decurrent Financial prejudices of the Organizations the disorganization generated for a world-wide, local crisis or for an internal disorganization, takes damages impreterivelmente the companies. In this study it is aimed at to concentrate in the damages due the lack of stability of the economic organization micron, especially in the companies multinationals. The generated organizacionais instabilidades in the companies in results of professional disqualification and desalinhamento of proposals of internal control and countable adequate norms are very known in Latin America. It swims, that it does not come to occur in developed countries, but some factors need to be elencados, such as: 3.3.1? unfamiliarity of the local controlling of the companies in the exterior, responsible for the lines of direction in the countries of Latin America; 3.3.2 – contrary requirements with the markets generating you practise commercial inadequate; 3.3.3 – adaptability of objectives in the annual budgets; 3.3.4 – lack of local leaderships that they withhold to be able to hinder you practise inadequate, as well as preventing international orders which cannot be accomplished in the parents; 3.3.5? act of contract of professionals with consequent exchanges and adaptations; 4.Conclusao Many are affiliated the forms to keep good control of distant, and the companies older multinationals already have a preconceived format of politics in this direction, to put, fit to stand out that exactly these super-structuralized companies still suffer damages due to adequate politics to its markets and competent and responsible professionals to manage its businesses. It does not fit here to draw reports for control of the operations, to put fits to comment some important points aiming at to cover almost that total the happened risks of the operations: 4.1Definicao and spreading of the internal politics, to demand of the controllers signed return.

The politics must clear and be emanated of the superior power of the company in the exterior 4.2Auditorias internal and external. Where it will not be possible to carry through internal auditorships, to certify that the external auditorship also carries through tests that tack proves the politics of the company. 4.3Pesquisas with main executives of the objectives and you practise to reach the goals, confidential, with the objective to identify to shunting lines or inadequate politics for some area. 4.4Conhecimento of the profile of the executives, aiming at to foresee futures politics shunting lines to reach proper objectives. independent 4.5Checagem of the local market, through research or consultorias, similar to get independent vision you practise of them commercial adopted for the affiliated one without its territory. Obviously, all other forms of control and internal reports must be used to measure the performance and tack the internal politics, as well as periodic meetings and affiliated visits s can assure an adequate accompaniment of the operations of each affiliated.

SEAD Computer

Computer repair companies from SEAD Computer + The first thing to solve this problem it is necessary to define the purposes for which server will be used. If, for example, the server is used solely as a router in as a proxy server to distribute the 'Net on other machines, it is quite suitable configuration: Pentium 4 3.0 E GHz / ASUS P5LD2-SE / C i945P LGA775 ATX / DDR II 512Mb PC5300/Korpus 400W/DVD (+/-) RW / 120 Gb. But for the above stated requirements will be enough even if the budget Pentium3 version. If you want to something stronger, such as distributed computing, 1C, or a file server to other computers are terminals, then the above described variant has insufficient capacity to meet these challenges. Will have at least put more memory – at least 2 Giga, the amount of disk system according to the purpose server (at least 2 and a disk of 160 GB), make sure disk RAID-array.

Motherboard is better to take on the G965 Express (save on the graphics card, You can install more RAM, more ports SATA-2), for example, ASUS P5B-VM. You also need to consider very important points when building the server: Housing should you choose big, with the possibility of additional cooling, power supply only brand (FSP) for at least 400-430 Tues think enough. If the safety-critical files, pick a RAID-5, but it will take at least three identical hard disk drives. Well, if the system will be on a separate physical drive, RAID is not included. We should also mention what moments can be ignored if you are forced to collect the "budget option" Server: CD-drive does not need a server (after installing and configuring the operating system it can be removed). No video Windows, alas, not work. Therefore, in such a server can safely put the outdated low-power PCI-card or use the on-board, if any. Computer service Mytischi