Category Archives: News

Company Apple Struck First

Apple no doubt be called a phenomenon of the computer world. Another ten years, the company was on the verge of extinction, but now it's trendsetter, all the gadgets which, immediately after the right to become a bestseller. All began with the player iPod, part of the models which have already gone through the fifth reincarnation. The transition was often gradually to keep the old traditions and revolutionary radically changing the functionality and appearance. As an example can compare the sixth and fifth generation iPod nano, because they do not resemble each other superficially and functionally, the new even was seriously curtailed, the camera appears to have disappeared.

But they continue to take, to be considered very fashionable without looking with the changes. iPhone, it is generally a song, Apple broke and turned the smartphone market, making it quite different, which plays by their rules. Since the first model, in the market is always surrounded by hype, where people are willing to stand in queues for hours and pay through the nose, several times higher than the cost in stores. And no matter what then float some defects or punctures, as you loss problem network iPhone 4, users continue to sweep to the shelves. The most recent latest innovation from Apple, became the iPad, here they have managed to create a new niche of portable computers.

During the first months of the demand was so great that a plant at full capacity it could not satisfy. The number of sold iPad, exceeded several millions. But like anything special is done, put together well-known things, a large touch screen, wireless interfaces, portability, and removed the keyboard mouse. Already other companies are trying to create competition, but their share is only ten percent of the sales of Apple. It looks like Apple is not going to stop getting more of their loyal fans, and not letting the rest competitors.


Computational method of selection of thickness and stiffness strain Dekel not difficult, if printer has a passport dekelnye materials with a full set of indicators of deformation properties, and takes much less time, because can be made in advance and outside the car. The blame for lack of demand for indicators of deformation properties of materials during the selection Dekel lies mainly in enough high tech culture specialist print shops, although a considerable contribution to this make and incorrect translations of technical documentation for printing machines from foreign languages that run extremely illiterate and are not edited by experts. For the third group of indicators properties of offset rubber plates are indicators that characterize the behavior of their rubber kraskoperedayuschego layer. The thickness of this layer varies from 0,3 to 0,5 mm in the printing process. These properties significantly affect the quality of the print run length and the plates are determined by indicators such as – the degree of swelling in the components of paint and flushing solution – in terms of Shore hardness or Thira – the degree of roughness or surface microgeometry (today mostly sanded) kraskoperedayuschego layer. Abnormal swelling exponent printing layer often leads to difficulties in print process, causing excessive accumulation on the surface of the components of paper and ink and, as a consequence, the frequent stoppages to wash the surface Dekel. To ensure proper printing process must be know the limits of record and reject wafers already in the procurement, but not in the printing process. Hardness index print layer is often extended to the entire thickness of the plate, which is wrong because it does not reflect its deformation properties and determines the amount of compression deformation in general.

The concepts of hardness and rigidity of the plates are constantly confused in the translation of foreign technical documentation for the printing machines. Need to know that the rate of hardness relates only to the upper layer kraskoperedayuschemu plate and characterized only by its degree of hardness in units. It should be considered when printing on different smoothness and hardness substrates. With the smoothness of the surface of substrates is also due to the roughness index (microgeometry) printing layer plates, which should have been shown to correspond microgeometry these materials, that provides the most complete propechatku on the sheet. Indicators of the properties of the print surface when selecting Dekel also used incomplete, due to insufficient information, since production of polished wafers in our country has recently been established. However, these indicators should be considered when printing on different hardness and surface roughness of materials, as they directly determine Dekel interaction with paper and paint and significantly affect the quality of printed impressions (see Table 2.). Thus, proper selection Dekel should take into account the above methods and indicators that will allow create a substantial reserve in the area of product quality and durability of the equipment.


In this three-dimensional stereo image is not a matter of fact, and creates flat screen illusion of volume. Fully three-dimensional, when you can look 'for object' is a hologram, but these cinemas and films are very expensive and not widely available. Thus, the figure – 2, 3, 4 – to characteristic type of movie does not specify the number of physical coordinates, is more correct to correlate this number with the generation of the evolution of cinema halls. Following the transfer of volume images, the next stage of development has effects on the vestibular apparatus viewer by moving the chair on which the viewer is in viewing. This step is designated as the fourth, and cinemas are equipped with movable seats, referred to as 4D, that is standard. Moreover, in the course of technology development, followed by movie theaters with moving seats, the technology was developed in the course of filing smells movies such as' sea breeze ',' pine forest ', etc.

These cinemas were called 5D. The effects of additional interventions, such as water and air flows to the viewer, tactile effectors, etc. are not considered as an evolutionary step. Modern Cinema 4D is a presentation system that combines a demonstration of a 3D movie with the physical effects that are supported by various devices in the theater and are synchronized according to the stereo image to screen. Under the physical effects of the hall to understand the vibration and movement of chairs, a simulation of rain, splashing liquid, wind, flashes of light. For this simulation, a chair 4D theaters may be equipped with speakers, reinforcing vibration devices, moving from side to side, back and forth, up and down, nozzles, feed water and air, and the hall – strobe, smoke machines, etc. The main goal of manufacturers of equipment for cinema 4D maintain and strengthen the 'sense of presence' of the visitors of the attraction.

Are there age restrictions for visiting the cinema 4D? We do not recommend going to the 4D attraction to children under 6 years old. Psychologists draw parents' attention to the fact that in this age the child still sees what is happening on the screen as part of the surrounding reality. Therefore, volumetric image and sudden movement of chairs, which further immerse the viewer in a small event on screen can be overly excite his nervous system. Can I use the stereo glasses, which give for watching movies in cinema 4D for viewing stereo pictures or movies in stereo on a computer monitor? No, it is impossible, as in our cinema, we use the glasses with polarizing filters, or to view stereo images on the screen you will need anaglyph glasses, which left oculo with red, and right – with the blue glass or glasses with active polarization. What is 5D cinema? 4D Theater, additionally equipped capsules with aromas of forest, ocean, flowers and fruits. What is the duration of the films in cinema 4D? Duration movies 4D cinema attraction is 15 to 25 minutes. This timing is determined not by chance that movies and allows you to enjoy viewing the stereo image with the maximum comfort to the eye.

Beautiful Places

Travel! Who among us does not dream about them?! Everyone wants to escape from the routine and visit the places where his feet have not trod. Itineraries depend on our ability and desire. You can travel to Russia, city sightseeing, taking pictures, collecting souvenirs later. Let me tell you about the island of Kizhi, located in the middle of the picturesque Lake Onega in Karelia. Beauty indescribable, and I'll say. In summer the island can be reached by ship, and in winter – snowmobiling on the ice directly to the aforementioned lake. On the island of Kizhi is breathtaking in its grandeur and beauty of the museum.

Its foundation dates from the 18th – 19th centuries. Being here, unwittingly plunge into the history of various ethnic groups. At the same time you are enjoying the air sanatory Karelia, its species and snow. Be sure to visit wooden churches, so-called Kizhi necklace. And how many have not passed our roads and we have never seen amazing places.

For example, the ruins of the Counts in the Novgorod region, an ancient fortress in Porkhov, temples and Torzhok Iverskogo Monastery at Valdai, nature on the Volga River near the town of Rybinsk. And you can go to a sanatorium to the sea in winter. This is so cool! After all, most people go to sea in the summer, and there is not overcrowded. Another thing – winter. Fresh air, restorative treatments and massages gym, tennis courts, swimming pools, roof and water heater – is not that wonderful?! And all this just for you and your family. And if there is a sanatorium park, then walking will be twice as nice and helpful. Can not afford a long trip, clear a vacation home. Snowball, build snow forts and throw a battle, ride a roller coaster. And then warmed by the stove and enjoy the fellowship. This holiday you will remember for years to years!

The Advantages Of The Internet

66% have an average income. 29% are interested in business. 39% of the age of the 26 to 40 years. Now we are witnessing a rapid growth Russian-speaking Internet, and besides, those people who use them are very good market potential distributors: these people have good income, they are technologically advanced, 29% of them are interested in business and their number is constantly growing – it's a great opportunity for those who are able to see it and exploit it. 2.

What are the advantages of the internet? Consider only 3 major advantages: 1. Your site is working, unlike you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. So, even when you sleep, dine, relax or are at the seminar, your site will help you conduct business. And more importantly, the site is never a bad mood, he never ill. And if you ever wondered how to look and what characterized an ideal distributor: Open 24 hours a day, always motivated and is in good spirits constantly making contact does not respond to failures That site is just such a distributor. 2. This is a huge opportunity to expand geography of your business. The Internet provides an amazing opportunity to overcome the distance on your computer. And you can easily and easy to build your business not only in different cities, but also countries and continents. 3.U you open a new, huge market of people, wealthy people interested in business – a kind of network Klondike, and Every day it will grow.

Google Adsense

You will surely find yourself between these two, or are tired of your job, or you want a part – time and a good additional income per month. So, do not try it? These excited, and really should be at that moment, the creation of a website, learn new things, and build something that can help you for a better future is always something very good and exciting. Stage 2 the disappointment or disillusion the be excited about, i.e. the stage number 1, you become a machine to make web pages, content, etc. At least you have 10 pages well built and feel that the world can already know about your website. Then your page will air, i.e. ready for all to see around the world. Much work effort made and finally the hard part is done.

Now comes the reward: the fame and money. But Pummmm! (Hang or crash) Your web page, this air, have sent your website to all the search engines, have touted it as best you think you should and after a few months, you see that you receive only 25 visitors a day and only make $3 in total with your website being part of a good program like Google Adsense, for which you pay for advertising that you put on your site. All the time, all the effort, all those nights sitting at your computer, writing and writing. The extra time you Bombmaker, arranging the design of your web page, everything you learned during that time by only 25 visits per day and $3? Questions you do because others have success and I don’t? You think that it is very frustrating to continue with something that has not borne fruit. You don’t have the most minimal energy to even write one more to your web page. That is the reason why many websites created complete canceled or discontinued.


Every day, we employ the term mobbing, to refer to the harassment that takes place in the workplace, in the labor field, by which a person is harassed by a superior, by one or more subordinates or by the own companions. Situation that can result in physical and psychological disorders of different consideration and gravity. Broadly speaking, be assured that the harasser, or person that exerts over another mobbing, intends to with his behavior, override the beset, in the majority of cases, looking for the target person of their siege, leaves the company, and in doing so is going to use everything in its power. The techniques usually employed are relating to communication, and thus most likely to stop speaking to him, or directly ignore. You can prevent or hinder that their peers to also communicate with him.

Provide a new location, isolated, in the workplace; prevent you from using forms of communication as the phone or computer, disregarding the outcome of their work, using derogatory nicknames, shout or insult to the harassed, there are other techniques that usually employs the harasser. The stalker starts this machinery, usually by jealousy and envy on the personal qualities of the harassed, such as sense of Justice, intellectual brilliance, the impeccable results of their work, or their personal achievements. The most common mobbing is the so-called descending, i.e. be exercised of superiors to subordinates, and very often due to the superior threatened his tenure, or even his brilliance, long-term in the company, and thus decides to delete everything that involves or may involve some competition. They envy his victim’s capacity, and it terrifies them leave exposed, and very visible from the rest, its shortcomings. Of exposed so far, is not inferred that the harassed person has a weak personality structure, or be cautious and scary. On the contrary: often suffer this harassment by face to your aggressor, and among its features are often highlight the intelligence, ability to work, being often charismatic and highly efficient.

The Judge Maintains The Seal Of The Madrid Arena After Rebuild With Witnesses The Tragedy / agencies / VIDEO: ATLAS Pavilion will be the headquarters of the world’s handball which begins on January 11. The judge has required the scientific police who make a simulation by computer to establish the number of people that fit into the Pavilion. Courts have handed down a warrant of eviction against the enterprise FSM Group, the society of Miguel Angel Flores, who exploited Macumba. The police estimated that 23,000 people were in the Madrid Arena. Who’s who in the case Chronology of the investigation. Eduardo Lopez Palop, the judge who is investigating the tragedy of the Madrid Arena, which killed four young men because of an avalanche during a party, has decided to keep the seal of the same after making an on-site inspection of the Pavilion headquarters of the world’s handball that will begin on January 11 at the prospect that new investigations Tuesday.

This inspection, which began about ten in the morning, attended by representatives of the public prosecutor, the police Scientific and Brigade of killings of the head top of police, as well as two national policemen and municipal agent of Madrid who attended the party being out of service. Lopez Palop wandered by installations questioned witnesses about how the events occurred. The judge focused on the entrances to the enclosure, the central track and the access corridor to the same where the deaths occurred. This area, located on the zero level of the building (two below ground level, is only three meters wide, but it is packed who attended the service, which came out of the track and those who wanted to access it to see the start of the performance of DJ star of the night, Steve Aoki.) Judge computer simulation has also required scientific police who make a simulation by computer to establish the number of people that fit in the Madrid Arena Pavilion and than there really were.

Delivery Bikes

Meridian Bike – specialized bicycle shop, since 2003. We are pleased to offer bikes manufacturers: Giant, Author, KTM, Trek, Scott USA, Stark. Since 2008, we are beginning to sell bikes HaiBike and C2 + project. Large selection of bikes all year round and available at order! In our store you will find a wide range of accessories and Bike Gear: – always available a large selection of accessories Shimano; – Cyclocomputer Sigma-Sport, CatEye, VDO and Mavic; – lights Sigma-Sport and CatEye; – Heart Rate Monitors Sigma-Sport; – wings Pumps and SKS; – velorezina Schwalbe; – Rim Mach1, Mavic, Remerx, AlexRims, SunRims; – helmet and protection SixSixOne, Cratoni; – many other things that need to velosipedistu.Rabotaet bike shop. Since 2005, Meridian Renard accumulative system skidok.V online store you can buy bicycles and Accessories on a special internet price.

On this site you will find the complete specifications for the bikes, as well as prices, specifications and images provided by us velotovarov.Besplatnaya delivery bike on Northwest region. Delivery of goods by Rossii.S 2006, ‘SportMeridian’ works on a wholesale direction: Deals on Shimano, Sigma-Sport, Mavic, SKS, SixSixOne, etc. Meridian bike – the right choice bikes and bikes in St. Petersburg, delivery Russia! Best advice on choosing a bike. Full pre-sale preparation and setup of all bikes, extended warranty, the possibility of free shipping in St. Petersburg and North-Western and Central regions Russia, a wide selection of children’s, mountain, cross, road bike brands such as Giant, Scott, Trek, Author, Merida, Gary Fisher, KTM, Merida, Stark.

More than 100 models are constantly in the presence of the trading floor. The best advice on choosing a bike. Full pre-sale preparation and adjustment of all bikes, the possibility of free shipping in St.

The Presence

In addition, an antivirus is a tool for the user and not only won’t be effective for 100% of the cases, they will never be a total or definitive protection. The function of an anti-virus program is to detect, somehow, the presence or the actions of a computer virus in one computer. This is the most important aspect of an antivirus, regardless of additional benefits that can offer, since the fact of the possible presence of a computer virus, stop work and take the necessary measures, is sufficient to define a good percentage of the possible damage. In addition, an antivirus can give the option of eradicating a computer virus from an infected entity. Most primary functions of an antivirus program model is the detection of their presence and, as far as possible, their identification. The first technique that became popular for the detection of computer viruses, and which still continues to be used (though increasingly less efficiently), is the technique of scanning. This technique consists in reviewing the code of all the files contained in the storage unit – mainly executable files – in search of small portions of code that might belong to a computer virus. This procedure, called scanning, is performed from a database that It contains pieces of code representing each known virus, adding the use of certain algorithms that speed up the processes of search.

The technique of scanning was quite effective in the early days of computer viruses, when there were few and their production was small. This relatively small volume of computer viruses allowed the developers of anti-virus scanners had time to analyze the virus, remove the small piece of code that was going to identify and add it to the database of the program to launch a new version. However, the obsolescence of this mechanism of identification as a complete antivirus solution was found in its same model.