Category Archives: News

Radio Engineering

Have you ever thought about what would happen if cell phones, refrigerators, washing machines and other miracles of engineering, would never have existed? No? And do not hesitate, because the former can not be undone. Better Think about what will happen when it all suddenly breaks down. The solution to this, no doubt, bad casus only one thing – go and select another. After talking with the director of one of the stores, retailers in Radio Engineering and Electronics, I would like to tell you about a couple of nuances associated with the acquisition of data – and not only – the wonders of technology. First, make sure that the product meets all your requirements – including its color, form, representations of functions and so on – because the return is for these reasons it you can not.

Any seller simply will point a finger at a government decree number 55, in which black and white says that cell phones and other sophisticated equipment can not be exchanged or returned for reasons not related to poor quality of the seller or manufacturer. And you'll have to tolerate for long hated cell phone, or, say, refrigerator at home. Second, specify the seller and it is desirable to lock in writing – if it is not specified in the datasheet – the time of delivery and service life of the goods that you purchase. Although, even if specified will not be, you are entitled to maintenance and repair of the purchased goods within two years from the date of purchase. And be sure to check in the shop, that thing you want privoloch to his home work. If the advance paid for the goods were not delivered within the specified period, ask the store a penalty of half a percent of the cost of goods for each day of delay.

Third, if you have found disadvantage to which you have no relationship to an already purchased this product, you may need to replace it with a similar, or refund your money or, in extreme "fire", to repair the aforesaid. If you have not kept a check and the seller is for this reason refused to exchange a purchase, you should know: he is simply afraid to take off from work. Do not scare him, and gently explain that you verify the authenticity of your words is possible in other ways. After that, during twenty days from the date of application, you will get repaired or, if you insist, the new product. For a period of replacement demand, and better yet ask the replacement item for temporary use. Provide it in three days. Agree, if the home refrigerator broke down, well now, eating on the street store? If the repaired item you are not given in time, the store will pay a penalty component of one percent of product price. When sent to repair the thing weighs less than five pounds, you have to take her there and back myself. In other cases, the store will help you. Fourth, the "bending fingers" to the seller in a store, do not forget refer to the Law on Consumer Rights "and, perhaps, you are not kicked out of him. To avoid all sorts of troubles with the product that you want to buy or already bought, so we must act: Seven times measure – one cut. Better Think in advance what you need, check and arrange everything with the seller on the spot. And then, these tips will never come in handy. I sincerely wish you that.

Portuguese Rights

He fits here to make a repentance act inasmuch as, also the Portuguese have some sins in substance of Human Rights. In the colonialista past the behavior of many of the deported colonizadores and could not have completely been transparent. In the gift, they hear, still, some commentaries, on events that, to be true, in nothing dignify: domestic violence, exploration of immigrants, some abuses committed for one or another agent of the authority, according to denunciations of the agencies of the social communication and the proper victims. It is certain that the measures that come being adoptees, how much to the spreading and sensitization, for the respect of the Human Rights, since the banks of the school, give the guarantee who will be in the good way, as relate PEAR TREE, (1978: 27): ‘ ‘ The international recognition of the great progressos carried through for Portugal, in the field of the Human Rights, contributing decisively for the spectacular improvement of our external image, it is in the origin of some significant attitudes of the international community in relation to our country, between which: financial easinesses, election of Portugal for the advice of the Europe, the Commission of the Rights of the Man in the ONU and for the advice of Segurana.’ ‘ It was understood, therefore, opportune, to continue itself in this walked for bigger spreading, exemplificao and defense of the Human Rights, in the certainty of that, in the modern times, between a imparvel cientificismo, one technique in permanent mutation and a technology of the overwhelming information-computation, occupying each time more technocrats, would remain for the philosophers this noble mission of century XXI. In this perspective, the subject from an author will be approached contemporary, on the basis of one of its workmanships that more will agree to the subject.

Brean Murray Development

After the crisis of 1929, a new model of economic growth began to emerge slowly, but in Corporation a way significantly different from other countries in the region.

On the one hand, the export sectors of cereals and livestock products, especially the large landowners and railway companies Brean Murray investment bank and British fridges, they tried to recreate the model exporter. The Roca-Runciman Pact of 1933 between Argentina Co-Chair of Asset Management Group LLC and United Kingdom had this goal.
Furthermore, in a parallel began to develop during the period 1930-1943 a process of import-substitution industrialization, with focus on corporations with strong military influence (YPF, Military Industries, Altos Hornos Zapla) and certain subsidiaries of large U.S. companies and especially a large number of small factories and medium domestic capital, especially in the textile sector.

Industrial exports as a percentage of GDP 1939-1943.
The result was that the agro-export sector remained without making substantive changes (particularly in Argentina is not a comprehensive reform aimed at creating an agrarian capitalist ownership of land) and superimposed a new model of domestic market-oriented industrialization . Both sectors were Brean Murray & Co. so autonomous dynamics, different rules and principles, often in open collision. The agro-export sector is development oriented to international trade, on the pattern of classical liberal economics, with a predominant presence of large estates and a very low use of technology and labor (less than 10 of national total), which in turn subject to paternalistic relations. The industrial sector began to develop Brain Trauma Foundation market-oriented, with a predominant presence of the State, on the pattern of the new Keynesian economics that erupted in the United States with New Deal, and a high demand for wage labor subject to collective labor relations between labor and capital. Large tensions and conflicts that inevitably had to come from the coexistence of two unrelated and even incompatible, tended to develop a strong state comptroller.
Although the government had no policy of intervention with growth led by exports, this new form if you had direct involvement. Barton Place is a leading condominium development real estate projects. In an effort to limit the country’s dependence on international markets, induced by government actions such asset management as nationalization of the domestic industry was aimed to encourage an internal development autonomo.

While it is true that Argentina was able to grow with this model of two economic sectors are poorly integrated, the Holdings dynamics of economic development was not sufficient for the country to become a developed nation, somehow repeating what had happened in the agro-export model of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with which Argentina experienced some type of industrialization but became a country “industrialized.”
Neoliberal economic policies adopted since 1970 by military governments, followed by civilian governments, led to a progressive concentration of wealth and the population led to the loss of life that had reached the mid-twentieth century with an increase exponential of the external debt, which rose from 7.875 million dollars at the end Mr. A new condominium community BartonPlace was developed with energy-efficient materials. of 1975 to 45.087 million dollars in 1983. The ratio percentage investing experience of external debt on GDP, is among the highest in LatinAmerica where countries that make up saddled with large external debts. This means a serious obstacle investment banking to development policies.
During the 1980s, regarded as the lost decade for Latin America, the charges grew magras Argentina However in 1983, while a significant and acceptable that the unemployment rate just JP Morgan & Co. 4 percent brink of the economically active population, less than 10 percent of the company was under the poverty line who have.
The high inflation that characterized the Argentine economy since World War II made to the processes hyperinflationary explosion of 1989 and 1990, during which poverty rose to a new level of 47.3 of the population of Great agglomerated Buenos Aires.

Building Oriented

Oriented particle board (OSB / OSB) are high-tech material used in Wood Frame Construction, in the manufacture of furniture and different packaging. Manufacture of osb / osb panels is done by gluing large size (3-8 cm), thin chips, and upper and lower layers of the grain direction, longitudinal, and in the middle layer – cross the length of the slab. Because of the low value for the same as Oriented particle board gradually replacing plywood in many traditional areas of application. osb / osb plate is tightly pressed three-layer wood board from the large-oriented chips conifers. Appearance Oriented chipboard osb / osb clearly explains its name. Plate can be easily distinguished by an elongated chips. Oriented strand board is made up of three layers. In the outer (upper and lower) layers chips located longitudinally and transversely in the inner layer.

Each layer is glued with waterproof resins and compressed under high pressure and temperature. As a result of this technological features of plate osb / osb acquire water resistance, elasticity and resistance to extension and construction loads. Chipboard aligned structure osb / osb manufactured by hot pressing of wood chips, mixed with a binder material. Plate osb / osb manufactured only from the particle size of 75-150 mm long, 10-25 mm in width and 0,5-0,75 mm in thickness. This ensures the homogeneity of the structure of the slab. Further, the resulting chips are dried and impregnated with a waterproof resins with the addition of a synthetic wax.

The use of wax provides high quality products. Then the chips are placed pipelined manner in two directions, creating a so-called carpet. In the outer layers of the plate chips will be oriented along the length, but in the domestic – across. After that, the carpet is pressed on the multi-tiered media at high temperatures and pressures. In conclusion, the board osb / osb cut into standard formats and grind. Technology of production boards osb / osb is constantly being improved. As binders are widely used phenol, urea-formaldehyde resin E1 class, and esters of isocyanate, which used to improve the stability properties of the slabs and improve environmental safety, the estimated emission of free formaldehyde in the environment. osb (Oriented Strand Board) – Oriented strand board ranked as number the most promising universal building material for millennia because of the whole complex of consumer benefits of this product compared to traditional wood products, provided application of new advanced technology wood modification.

Program Moleskinsoft Clone Remover

What kind of trash talking about? The point of the same files that we could not help gradually contaminate your hard drive. Suppose that these files are not even significant, but the total number of small files over time develops into a fairly significant amount of memory. Then what about large files? After some time, will become a tangible lack of memory space on your hard drive. Program 'Moleskinsoft Clone Remover' – it's quite to clean the hard disk of debris software. The program not only searches for duplicate files on your hard drive, but also offers a wide range of options for processing found dubbing. I will list only the main features of the new version of Moleskinsoft Clone Remover v.2.5.2: 1.

The program is able to find duplicate files within zip files. 2. Software can detect duplicate content files that differ only name. 3. Certainly has the ability to find identical files by name. At this function, and work began on the first version of the program.

4. Program Moleskinsoft Clone Remover v.2.5.2 able to find identical files mp3; 5. The program is able to trace similar images by name and the size of footprint on the similarity of images with differences in the size of the image. 6. The program offers a wide range of options for processing the detected duplicate files.

Multimedia Player

First thing you can love Media Player – it certainly support their high-definition video. All these modern players support playback of film formats FullHD. Now you can fully enjoy all the advantages of this resolution, especially if you have tvpanel with large screen. As media players can be viewed on the speaker sound is excellent quality. However, this by no means all the advantages of media players over other players, audio and video. Part of the media players can be filled with an internal hdd, thus making him (the player) is also a place to store your data, and rather far-reaching, if you insert, for example, hdd size of 2 Tib. On top of some of the players are endowed with the controller Ethernet, allows you to make your home network from your pc and player.

This will keep all the media files on your hard disk player, freeing up space on the screw machine programs and other files, and games. Nearly all modern media players allow you to connect external USB-device and equipped with one or two usb interfaces 2. 0. Connect through them can be flash-drives or external USB-drives. K Some also have the opportunity to connect the USB-drive and watch movies with dvd drives. Enjoyable moment fans shake their music and movies from the Internet are stationary player with support for working with torrent trackers. For This must be configured for the player access to the Internet, to feed him the torrent file and wait for download. After all this success look. And a lot of things, because, usually, supporting an impressive number of media players various video and audio formats, as well as a variety of graphics file formats. You have until this moment did not know about this miracle of technology as a media player? Now we know it! So why sit? Go well, buy and enjoy high definition in your home!

Gaddafi Returns

New massive concentration in the city of Sebha. He added that the Libyan people not can pay back to colonization, so it has decided to live free or die in his own land. Colonel Muamar Gaddafi has returned to challenge NATO and Libyan rebels to ensure on the occasion of a massive concentration in the city of Sebha (South), that his regime will not end while finally reaches him because Libya is the people. They believe that the great revolution ends with the end of Gaddafi. No, because this is the revolution of the Libyan people, said the official in a statement to State television reproduced by the Libyan agency Jana. In addition, he added that the Libyan people can not leave petroleum nor his fate in the hands of a band, nor can pay back to colonization, so it has decided to live free or die in his own land. In this regard, it was emphasized that the authority is that of the Libyan people, this political regime is the regime of the Libyan people, elected by the Libyan people, decided by the people Libya and the Libyan people carried out. In his message he extended on this issue ensuring that NATO countries believe that the regime in Libya is as their extinct dictatorial and capitalist that reactionary regimes if he resigns a Minister or a Government Alliance falls the Government in a definitive manner.

But Gaddafi said that the difference with Libya is that in Libya there is a regime of parties, there is no Government and there are no elections. Future also announced that the revolution will be the poor, those who resist in every corner of Libya and predicted that if they are imposed in the final victory will oil be exclusively at the disposal of the poor and the facilities in the hands of young people who join the fight. The March organized by the regime in Sebha, about 700 kilometers south of Tripoli, under the slogan of the March of a million, is the second of its kind carried out once last Friday held a mass rally in Tripoli. On these marches Gaddafi declared that the masses of the free Libyan people sent another message to the whole world as already sent him last Friday from Tripoli. The Atlantic Alliance trembled, collapsed their castles and their morale when we made them understand the message of the March of a million () of which witnessed its journalists and its envoys who were in Tripoli last Friday, said the Colonel. About NATO I also assure you that it is falling under the feet of the Libyan people and the marches of the masses. Since the popular uprising of last February 17, which led to an armed conflict, Gaddafi resists the harassment of a few straggling rebels supported by NATO in the East of the country, especially in the cities of Tripoli, Sebha and Sirte. Source of the news: Gaddafi returns to challenge NATO and ensures that the Libyan regime not just with him

Southeastern Region

What one expects today of a professional is what it always expected, but in the past, given to the characteristics of market and competition, it did not make as much difference thus. I broke it of now, we have that preparing in them for the job that not yet exists. That ability we have? One expects that a professional, little importing age or position, has readily when it a solution will be requested, either internal or external it. For 1 time in history the people pdem to wait to live more than what the organizations for which it works, after 30 years of work in a company, still will remain in them at least 20 years of career for the front. ' ' Many professional positions in alta&#039 exist; ' , Engineers, analysts of RH, industrial Automation, Controlling, Professionals of the health, Right, Administration, technology of the Information.

Today much thing moved, each time more sees a new generation charged, more technologically advanced, taking decisions that will influence to them for the remaining portion of the life, and the great one concern is the lack of preparation for this scene. The Southeastern Region has more people of what the job demand, has that is prepared to migrar for other regions. Today the professional will have to possess some basic characteristics: to be pro-asset, to be generalista, to be flexible, to be inclined the changes, among others things. What it was good yesterday, today already is not so good and tomorrow, with all certainty, it will become exceeded. ' ' Its future one only depends on you constructs a vision of its proper future and starts to plan everything that is necessary for its capacitao' ' , and the money remembers is consequencia of a well made work. He evaluates if you possess these characteristics: To be a faciltador, comprometimento with the results, to be brought up to date, rationality, good level of general culture, to know its area of performance, easiness of relationship, to establish relations reliable and more than what everything to know to negotiate. It searchs if to adapt the changes. It has interest genuine for the people, it leaves the results to speak for you and it does not waste a possibility to learn.

Spy Equipment

Recently came across a nete a program for wiretapping cell phone. Proposed the program to listen to mobile phones Spyder-pc. After downloading the file, follow the installation wizard. At this point, if your computer program is installed Spyder-pc v. 1. 0. 2. Have all the modules, except for the executable file – Spyder-pc.

exe therefore run the program so far impossible. To be able to use the program you need to pay for it. Spyder-pc.exe Cost of the program 2500rub. or $ 110. You can pay in any city, using your preferred method of payment via the payment system. WebMoney Ruble – Payment button on the site. WebMoney Dollaroay – Payment button on the site.

After payment Program Spyder-pc v. 1. 0. 2. should send a message to the e-mail: Enter in the 'subject line': Translation Spyder-pc, but in the message body: the date, time and method of payment that you used. (with your account number) After checking the receipt money within 24 hours (maksimum!), you will receive an executable file (module Spyder-pc.exe), instructions for further installation and registration process on your system. WARNING! By the author is not liable for end-user, when you use the Spyder-pc v. 1. 0. 2. Please! For all sorts of freeloaders and grief-hackers, as well as avatar just like that. Do not waste your precious time on various issues and proposals, such as: '… What is the cellular connection?', '… I had to * exe, then zaplochu $ 1000 !…' '… We in no WebMoney!' …

Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano

The word most repeated by doctors to the family is the stability of the right-handed. There is no protocol of possible interventions for the next few days. The Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano takes three days without fever, although continues in the ICU of the Hospital Virgen Macarena of Seville, awaiting that in the coming days to operate you ankle, which would confirm that their State has entered a phase of improvement, explained this Sunday a family member of the right-handed. The word most repeated by doctors family is stability after the fever is gone, said the source, specifying, however, what Miss one day more, or some of them, to see the evolution. The important thing is that, despite being very little by little, we can keep trusting that good evolution. The source referred to possible tracheotomy that some media have spoken without much Foundation, as saying that it will intervene again to that, it seems as if there worsened, and is not the case, he said. He insisted that he would to the Bullfighter tracheotomy if you still need a tube for breathing, and would only be to relieve that State, as forecasting that an vocal cord can hurt. Only that. But you have to wait for what they say the doctors, who incidentally nor have informed us of any possible interventions Protocol for the next few days, he concluded. Source of the news: Ortega Cano takes several days without fever and is waiting for an ankle operation