Interrupting some rules of we can apply it to thought for example, when we have a thought or sensation appellant that us ” it gives vueltas” in the head and ” ir” is not wanted; In what situations you can apply this Technique: Perhaps you had a discussion or argument and that happened hours ago and you follow ” giving vueltas” him; to the subject in your head appears to you images, still the anger sensation persists or impotence when returning to experience it inner, you breathe more anxious your corporal position changes listening in your head the dialogues in addition you reproach the salary or not to have said to tal o cual thing etc. Reexperimentar these states, does not leave ” to us; gratis” has an effect on the health and the good quality of life, since the body ” it takes nota” of this, it is affected and aggravating mainly if this often happens to us. You want to know how to change of state and to eliminate annoying mental states? To know a little more PNL and how to use it so that it improves your life? Visit our Web site and you will be able to obtain Two E-Books FREE, with two powerful techniques of the PNL: Technique of the Anchorage and the Technique that I described in this article, To interrupt and to eliminate annoying mental states.
Category Archives: News
You knew that you have a genius of the creativity inside living yours, but you have chained who it to a life in the dark, that you do not let to him leave? Yes, as in the history of Aladino and its magical lamp you would only have to rub the lamp there and, in front of you, it would be your genius for concederte all the desires that as much anxieties (good, almost all ) If you do not create it possible, then pinsalo twice: inside yours a creative genius exists, and, in this article, I will tell what to make to let you leave it, how to rub the magical lamp using PNL. A time ago Fernando came thinking that was sufficient, that it had to stop smoking once and for all. Although every day was more difficult (socially speaking) to smoke, he every day had more desires to do it. He knew that was poisoning its body little by little That principle of month made the decision, it joined anger, and it stopped smoking during 7 days. One week whole! He was everything a profit, something that it had never obtained before. Nevertheless, before a familiar contrariedad (a discussion with its wife by financial questions), Fernando did not know to maintain initial enthusiasm, and returned to the mortal vice. You can preguntarte what has to do this with being more creative, with releasing my internal genius? The creativity has to do yet what beams in your life, because, when you learn more to being creativa/o, to release tied genius that lives within you, you find solutions that before not even you had thought. For example, Fernando would be shortage 101 ways different to handle his frustration, instead of to return to smoke. Being creative you can maintain all the year an attitude positive, living with estusiasmo all along.
PNL Exercise
Today I propose an interesting Exercise to you PNL for ayudarte to identify and to integrate some internal parts that have his " intention positiva" and that simultaneously limits and censures to us (You can unload it at the end of the article in And-Book-pdf format) the PNL proposes to work yet what it precedes to the behavior of a person, with the raw material of the thoughts and that includes the submodalities. Applying to resources and techniques of the PNL we can make distinctions subtle and identify how they are our thoughts, that characteristic individuals have. We think in the form of images, sounds, sensations, and each image, sound or sensation have certain characteristics great, small images, sounds strident, or smooth tenuous or intense sensations, etc With PNL you can to make distinctions subtler, soon to modify the images, sounds and internal sensations and thus to be able to modify the behavior .para que. .para sentirte better, to obtain better results and of improving your quality of life! You can read more about Submodalidades Here: > > > Submodalidades-List a very interesting case that with the help of the neurolingustica programming and its techniques, you can identify and soon to change is the one of " inner voices that censuran" those " Interiores" judges or Censors; that they give in all the cases one " opinin" too critical and unfavorable about that spontaneously we want to do. It implies rigidity and authority that does not mean " eliminarlos" , those voices have a message to give, very useful us and is necessary to know how to identify them and to give their right inclusion them. You can experience a little yet this and the PNL can ayudarte, since one of the effects to work with the neurolingustica programming, and their different focused resources to work with your internal parts, are to obtain a greater sensorial sharpness.
PNL Objective
Proposal is an objective that the people follow to obtain one definitive purpose. In PNL if it defines as ' ' program, or sequence of representations, chemical preparation and that it takes to a result especfico' '. The proposal or mental strategy can start with a test or evaluation of if really is necessary to make something, continues with the establishment of the strategy that helps the motivation and follows with the strategy to make something. The base of the personal excellency if obtains understanding the way to reveal the strategies (objective) and to change them. In our brain, the strategies (objective) form complex neural nets very since not only ' ' we are what pensamos' ' , but that also we are led by trends to make what we think. The PNL detaches these representations that produce the behaviors and that they produce the objectives waited. This if relates to our interior world, but also she is necessary to consider that we live in a external world.
The distinct strategies that we use they contemplate the two worlds, for this reason has necessity to harmonize our thoughts with our feelings for terms as resulted the manifestation of the idealized objective. The strategies are composed for distinct levels. A superior level of which if it divides for inferior fragmentos. Knowing of this, the PNL allows in them to change some strategies to obtain the same results. She is necessary to remember that to materialize a idealized objective she is necessary to find the elements of the strategy and the correct order of them, the correct syntax. To obtain the results that we wait, we use a system of strategies. The system follows four stages, thus definite: – 1.
To establish goal (Proposal) 2. To act (Deliberation) 3. To observe what it happens (Decision) 4. To move what one becomes until getting the desired result.
PNL From Zero
You must eliminate some elements of the behavior of the model, to notice the differences. If for example you leave something outside, and there is no a substantial change in the results, it means that is not an essential element in this success prescription, and therefore can be left of side. In this point, it is like being sharpening the process, is trying more consciously, it is a more conscious learning. Fjate that the traditional learning, teaches to us to add the pieces little by little until it works; thus we cannot know to the parts essential critics or that do to the subject; the creation of models is an accelerated learning, takes all the elements and soon it is removing little by little, to see in what they influence or no, and what things are or nonnecessary the models have been designed so that they are simple; it is not necessary to know because they work; just by knowledge that works is sufficient; thus, it is not necessary to understand as an airplane works exactly to be able to rise an airplane and to fly. Also you can imitate your own powerful states or creative or effective, and, knowing how it is your physiology in that state, your beliefs with respect to that in particular, your mental strategies you can accede to them a will, when you want! In order to know how to model through the PNL it is necessary to know how to investigate, to make questions precise, to know how to observe the model in action You would like to obtain success results quickly? Now you can learn with pnl and of accelerated way abilities of excellence people that are obtaining great results! In our course PNL From Zero (at a distance) between the E-Books, and Audio three Video-presentations exist that they will teach to you step by step how you can model, what to ask, what to investigate exactly in the success model, that you choose so that you can begin you yourself /o to right now journey by the way of the excellence
Browser Chrome
As reported Securitylab, Google developers say that when a new version of the browser were incorporated numerous suggestions and recommendations of users. According to the manager on development of Chrome Brian , a second version of the closed 300 vulnerabilities. In general, the work was carried out in five main areas. Firstly, this new opportunity to work with tabs – now you can group and move them. Secondly – Support for full screen mode (activated pressing F11).
In the third, finally realized the AutoComplete feature. The fourth innovation – the protection system, which should reduce the costs of finding potential critical bugs that come to the theft of data or infection. Fifth – Supports the latest versions of web engine WebKit and JavScript-engine V8. Because of this, Chrome will be faster to load 'heavy' pages with mass media content, either with an array of Web2.0. As reported Securitylab, Google developers say that when a new version of the browser were incorporated numerous suggestions and recommendations of users.
Digital Access
I participated of a course of accessibility, given pelaempresa Digital Access, and there I learned many things that still noconhecia, I go to count a little pra vocs on what I learned for there. In the world of today, with the technological advances, new languages, to todosquerem always to innovate in the development of the systems and or sites in web, but many do not think that it has a compound of users in the Internet, of todosos types, and that much of the times we do not obtain to reach the delespor access cause of the lack of accessibility in the sites. In contrast of what many think accessibility about web, not somente for deficient appearances, mobile devices, auditory deficient deficientesmotores and. The accessibility benefits tambmpessoas aged, people who are having its first experience comweb and finally, as the teacher Leda Spelta of the Digital Access said, obilionrio blind person, that is the Google and its robot of content searches. We will have using current also more satisfied, and the maintenance of the seusite will be very better. We need to guarantee Fazer expensive an accessible site mais? Demand more time? and I listened to the following reply: Fazerum accessible site is more expensive, as well as having quality in a site. Sens we develop one> In the accessibility for web, does not exist standards, exists solutions
Web Money
It has some ways that you can perfazer to discover as to gain money in the Internet. Unhappyly, in what it says respect to get income in the Web, more traps of what exist serious sites. This occurs because of the illusion that the people have in the easy money. ' ' This non ecziste! ' '. If you to come across with some site offering easy money, can be certain: he is balela. The people who are really gaining money with the Internet, had obtained this as fruit of the persistent work and to the base of very study. She is not difficult, is only work.
The fact is that many are not made use to have a minimum of effort to reach income in the world-wide net. These can be becoming vacant per years for the suburbs of the Web and never to learn to stop to complain of the life. Who is truth well many that had gotten success in the net, had left these ciber-suburbs. The difference is that these had decided to move of strategy and had perceived a thing much simple ones: the way fastest of if gaining money in the Internet are to discover somebody that already it is earning and to follow the steps of such mentor. This is the tip that I give in this article, finds its mentor. By the way, to write this article was a tip that I received from my mentor of ' ' as to gain money in the Web' ' , the August Fernando. He understands what I want to say? You can be years lost in the sites of the Web, making always the same wrong things. Efficient ways of if getting income in the net exist, but to find them and distinguiz them can be a complex work for an beginning one, due to enormous amount of adventurers and false digital mentors.
3 types of mentors in the Web exist: The false mentors. They are the ones that do not gain nothing and say or suggest that they gain money. The hermits. They are the ones that earn but they do not disclose how much they earn. Gurus. They are the ones that earn, they show how much they earn and they teach the others also to earn. The first one is malandro and vacillating. As he is altivo and mysterious. Third it is motivated and rich. With first you go to learn as not to gain money in the Internet (what she does not leave of being a learning). When perceiving the decoy, in the first chance that you will have, ' ' it has pricked mula' '. With as you go to learn precious information. He does not waste them. With third you go for the practical one of a safe from way as to gain money in the Web. If he is not deceptive. He goes to have initial investment. All good mentor charges the entrance for its world. The ones that has compassion charge less of R$ 100,00 (laughs). What such to now start a good business with true guru of the income in the net, while you are young (or young she has more time who the others)? Success!
ACT Controller
The electronic controller of the current (ECT) produces a signal upon the occurrence of one of the following events: – short circuit – electrical idle (during the dry) – electrical current exceeds the rated – exceeds electrical current above the maximum allowed – failure of one or two phases – phase imbalance of current – low insulation resistance (500kOm 10% for the modification of M2, M4, M5, M8). Optional: interface with PCs, digital input, contact pre-start or alarm. Model Range POS-5 from 0,2 to 50 A, POS-10 from 0,8 to 100A POS-25 from 1,6 to 250 A POS-60 from 3 to 600 A POS-125 6 to 1250 A pos 250 from 10 to 2500 A POS-625 from 30 to 6250 and the controller works in conjunction with a control panel CP-05, which provides data read and adjust settings of the controller. Controllers POS-5-M and ACT-10-MX may use current transformers with rated currents of the secondary winding 5A. ooo SibElektroZaschita " developed and started production of products ektm which food is carried out as a variable voltage (50 420 V frequency 45 Hz 5 ) and permanent (50 600 V) voltage without the need for additional resistors (As in scr-3 and EKRM-3) and without additional switching supply leads.
Notebook HP DV2
When hp and amd pitched the idea of a laptop with prices and features between netbooks and notebooks, it intrigued. And although many of them were tempting, their micro-keyboard small, low-resolution screen is not always convenient. But In fact, why do I need to haul MacBook Pro everywhere, if only need to edit something in to check your e-mail? Besides romontirovat laptop worn with a need to more often. DV2 – hp response to this dilemma. After all, it's almost like a small notebook, but just as powerful as a regular laptop. Said that it would be better than both of these products. Of course there was the danger that he would be the worst of them.
But fears were not justified, because the DV2 is a smart computer, although it was still far from perfect. DV2 is the price gap between netbooks and notebooks, but comparisons can be misleading. hp has gone all to get the right shape, and they succeeded. It really is a very thin (less than inch) body, however, seems somewhat darkened block convex batteries. But this is not bad, not particularly concerned about the lack of flat shape. Opens and closes DV2 with a magnet, although not so easy to weight open with one hand. The surface is black with chrome, putting the fields.
Unfortunately, the gloss is lost after work nanem for several hours, as on the surface of fingerprints and smudges. Dust also collected in the cracks and is very visible on the shiny surface. The keyboard seems quite large, but is not centered, that not everyone likes. Nevertheless, the keys of a good size (although a little close to each other). Most of the compression seems to happen on the left side, where the keys are esc, tab, and others decreased significantly. Yet, this keyboard is better than other compact laptops. Display size of 12.1 'and the ratio 16:10 is excellent. A 1280 800 means that you can even watch 720p in full size. Picture is fairly sharp, though the vertical viewing angle and color to the right rather limited. And in the repair of replacement of the matrix display laptop will not expensive! There antiglare coating, like any other modern notebook. And at least, the display is bright enough, that lets you work and in low light. As for accessories DV2, they much better than that of the average netbook, with a price of about $ 1200. For example, up to 4 gb of ram and a 250-Gbaytny hard drive, which stands out quite a bit compared to netbooks, which are usually sold separately. Incredibly sexy Blu-Ray player that comes with the DV2 is excellent, because the screen actually supports 720p. DV2 suddenly becomes a very good little portable media computer. This is a great second notebook when you need have a portable computer, and because he got a lot of space on your hard drive, it works like a small laptop.