Category Archives: News

Perspectives Of Jordanian Energy Supply

Renewable energy economy is in Jordan as Jordan’s investment potential with more than 5% growth in the previous year clearly on the rise. Progressive market liberalisation in the fields of energy, telecommunications and transport offers interesting investment opportunities to the private sector. The largest proportion of Jordanian imports already accounted for by Germany. Alternative energy Jordan currently plays a key role in the global energy supply. In the long term, the region has the potential to be in the area of energy production from renewable energy sources at the top with this – just solar and wind energy to address here. First projects (mainly in the fields of solar and wind energy) were implemented in the 1990s.

Programmes and laws shows the creation of a number of funding programmes in Jordan that this initiated use should be further expanded. Learn more about this with Michelle Smith Source Financial. Currently the country creates the legal, institutional and financial framework conditions for promoting renewable Energies and puts together a comprehensive set of rules. The proposed law to the area aims to establish renewable energy feed-in tariffs, tax and tariff reductions, incentives for investors and companies, as well as funding mechanisms for private households. For example, is intended to produce a 15% share of solar and wind energy in overall energy consumption by 2020. To achieve this ambitious goal, Jordan is looking for foreign investors and offers many investment incentives and tax benefits.

Study Customer Service

Automatic services should be expanded to Hamburg – German firms could save 50 percent of their costs in the customer service by they expand their website’s services. So far, the companies on average spend 780 euros per 100 requests. About 75 percent of the budget while accounted for personal conversations with customers (52 per cent) and support by phone (23 percent). But only 57 percent of all customer inquiries are also done via these channels. Costs and benefits will fall apart so much. t source of information. The study of multi-channel management comes to these results”of the software company Novomind in cooperation with the trade magazine TeleTalk. 174 professionals and leaders of the Internet economy were asked.

Similar results, a study by the consultancy Strateco comes on behalf of aspect software. According to the survey, 26 percent of call centers use only one channel, 20 percent two and 31 percent up to three channels. There is telephone, E-Mail and fax. Around a One-fifth has integrated the processing of mail. So far, the integration of Internet chat, SMS and MMS is the big exception. Direct customer discussions are straining the budget with an average 15 euros per request according to findings of the Novomind survey. In contrast, virtual advisor and dynamic FAQ systems already for ten cents per request provide the right answer to customer requests.

In practice such as one-third of all customer concerns can be solved quickly and easily. Because about 80 percent of all requests are standard inquiries, of which a large part answered is with the always same information. Dynamic FAQ system and virtual advisors understand, for example, natural language input and deliver promptly concrete answers, around the clock, 365 days a year. The virtual agents can forward also novel and complicated requests directly to the call center of the company. This speeds up the workflow and ensures that the customer is left not alone with individual questions. In addition to conversational Budget-conscious companies disproportionately often employ Smart SMS services to Internet channels. Especially compact information such as, for example, the sales order status reports are available as. Costs only one euro per SMS service, this channel ten percent can answer budget share, about 30 percent of all customer inquiries. Especially when a high volume of standard requests smart online and mobile services prove to be as low-cost alternative to telephone customer service. Because in the monthly budget the underlying database maintenance and operating costs of the digital communication channels are hardly noticeable. A well-balanced range of telephone and web-based self-service services gives customers the freedom of choice that he would like”, so the aspect study. Just the growing Internet generation will allow no longer offer technical restrictions”, confirms Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge in Berlin. The open source principle, the IT world will also on marketing and customer service. Start-ups such as get satisfaction would that prove. On the free forum, everyone could read, what do customers say about a botched order have to knowledge will no longer bunkered at the call center. A company must be prepared to give up control and unleash the things. An enthusiastic customer is the best and most credible promoter. Help there also no slogans at us the customer is ‘ further. The disposable propaganda of the company no longer caught in the social networks. There are”only acts, verifiable quality and credibility, sums up voice days spokesman Bernhard Steimel compared to the online magazine NeueNachricht by Gunnar Sohn

Students As Guinea Pigs

Finland-Bliss, confusion in the education system and the nonsense of ongoing system discussions in Bonn/Dusseldorf In the German education system is a shambles. Even educational experts no longer look through and argue about which system”now produces the best success for the students. Often demographic trends are more important than educational issues and a political calculus, writes the Rheinische post (RP). The Dusseldorf daily newspaper has identified several trends: the gymnasium is undisputed. A schools merge Haupt – and Realschule.

Schools go up in it. And in the high schools, the trend strengthened and to an orientation stage, in which all students together are taught five and six in the classes. Adroll Marketing Platform describes an additional similar source. While in Hamburg, CDU and Greens want to lengthen the elementary school for six years, the renowned school researcher Rainer Lehmann warns against this model. In Berlin have been shown, that this powerful student clearly behind their ways back remain. And hope have to wonder anymore, that children would be better promoted from socially weak families in six common learning. His resume: The educational potential of the children are not sufficiently encouraged and promoted. “I can get nothing lasting system discussion at all”, says the Cologne labour market and human resources expert Marc Emde of KCP executives.

It is me why politicians and educators unable, to learn from experience mystery. Children are degraded to Guinea Pigs. No wonder their academic success while keeping on track. Even if it sounds banal: good, motivated teachers who don’t shy away from contact with the economy are essential for success at school. Unfortunately some bureaucratization educators curl up in their ivory tower and want to know anything, that they have to make young people especially fit for the life and professional practice.” The Rheinische post Meanwhile takes the Finland-Bliss”the German education policy debate on the grain. Instead of looking what do successful Pisa countries such as Bavaria and Saxony in Germany, better looking after Finland, where completely different conditions. Because there are many dwarf schools, few metropolitan areas and hardly any foreigners. It is so proverbial comparing apples and pears. Ansgar Lange

Joachim Selenz

Lothar Gutsche, Deputy. Chairman of CLEANSTATE, presented the annual general meeting the Board whether this incredible approach to speech and demanded clarification and the answer to the question whether the applicant, Mr Jorg Asterlosch, actually works for VW. Supervisory Board Chairman Ferdinand Piech shareholders publicly admitted, the it is to: my personal assistant “is. The present shareholders acknowledged this confession with horror. The name Asterlosch is explosive erweise Bill Piechs, namely on the conversion Bill of Office of Ferdinand Piech in Salzburg, which was paid for by VW through the account of 1880 (Piech/Pischetsrieder) and that has only a signature. Go to Peter Thiel for more information.

This Bill was passed a week after the testimony of Ferdinand Piech District Court and the public prosecutor’s Office in Braunschweig. Here the link to the account: der_Mann_auf_Piechs_Rechnung.html so is it to at a general meeting of Volkswagen AG. “This operation shows once again how important it is, that there is a truly independent pending institution, which on the basis of facts and on the basis of existing laws inconsistencies” in economics and justice the reason is. SGD. Prof. Dr.-ing. Hans-Joachim Selenz 1.Vorsitzender CLEANSTATE e.V. source and page information URL of the press release: Pressemitteilung_25_04_2008.html CLEANSTATE is a non-partisan initiative founded by dedicated citizens.

We are committed to the goal, to bring crime, corruption, cronyism and abuse of rights in politics, State and economy of our country to the public and to fight. We want that our laws back consistently even when the people come to the application, which position in politics and economy today protects them from prosecution. We study us itself and based on information detailed to to uncover specific offences, to bring to the public, and thus the justice if necessary to take action to force. We have been working or working mainly in large companies, politics and public administration and saw there the incredible abuses that we fight – this is our mainly the basis personal commitment and our success.

Superfund Includes Insurance & Pension

Up to + 50.2 percent net return on investment in only six months Frankfurt am main – the Superfund asset management GmbH, this week presented the results of their investment products for the first half of 2008. For investors, the figures were cause for joy. So successful, Superfund was never launched in over 12 years history in a calendar year. After four years of Seitwartsphase Super Fund returned with the best results in the first half since the launch of the first Fund in 1996. The managed-futures products from Superfund had already proven themselves since the beginning of the year in a difficult market environment. According to the society 2008 trend followers could compared to previous years, in which rather short-term global trading systems have achieved successful results due to the very short and volatile trends, in the year medium to long-term trading systems strengths show again.

This year our working medium to long-term trading systems awarded. So our products authorised for public distribution in Germany could ever after Record strategy gains between + 26.7% in A strategy and + 50.7% in the C strategy. Particularly profitable were among the rising crude oil and gold price \”, says Christian Baha, founder and owner of Superfund. Even more capital market dynamics will influence the ongoing mortgage crisis and doubts about the continued development of the world economy.\” The recipe for success of Superfund * all investment decisions are made at Superfund by a computer-controlled trend result model. This human mistakes due to emotional behavior are largely excluded. Hardly an other investment company relies to so consistently the modern portfolio theory of Nobel Prize winner Harry Markowitz, such as Superfund. Superfund follows the recommendation of Markowitz, to minimize assets, the investment risk through diversification of trading by over 100 different markets. In addition to stock indices, bonds and foreign exchange, Superfund is a wide range of raw materials.

The Diet

And it is absolutely wrong! Beautiful skin, hair, nails – the card of a woman, the object of her pride and envy of her friends. As rightly believe dietitians skin – the mirror of the intestine. Dietary fiber and mucus – the second wealth white linen – detoxify the body, bringing toxins. Only due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract can lose up to 4 kg, without to the diet. The constant use of white linen helps keep her maiden harmony for many years.

For particularly delicate ladies, in whose way of life have already come a habit to organize yourself 'fasting days', the seeds of white linen – just a godsend! To cleanse the body and cleanse the digestive system is only two teaspoons of flax seed, plenty of fluids. White linen can be mixed with oatmeal, honey, cream cheese and a delicious lunch and, together with so, healthy dish. Flax seeds have the ability to swell in the gut. Because of this and a large amount of mucus improves his work and normal digestion of food. Third, and perhaps most important for female body miracle lies in the outer layer of grain. It turns out that it contains lignans, or so-called plant hormones. According to the structure they are similar to female hormones – estrogen. Estrogen protects the body against diseases heart, musculoskeletal, cancer, women's diseases.

Not by chance at lower production of estrogens to women brought down stream problems. Reception of products from white linen will help prevent disease, decrease the expression of hormonal imbalance, does not cause dependence and addiction. The advantage of phytohormones that they not only compensates for the deficiency of estrogen, but also normalize the number, because the surplus 'Bad' estrogens can cause the development of cancer and other diseases. Phytohormones inhibit the activity of 'extra' estrogen without giving them the opportunity to harm the body. It was discovered that plant hormones and have other biological effects – prevent the oxidation process, which is directly connected with the slowing of aging. So, here are three terms of feminine beauty and attractiveness that are available to every woman! And all that is needed to to maintain the beauty of hair, nails, skin, save it for many years the breast form and even girlish waist – is eaten at breakfast, 1-2 teaspoons of the seeds of white linen. Take flax seed better in its natural form. Should be carefully chew them and drink water, you can grind the seed in a coffee grinder. Derived from flax seed oil – an excellent salad dressing, it adds a little spicy and very pleasant taste. Heat treatment of linseed oil can not be subjected to frying is better to apply any more. Len – the most simple and useful tool for maintaining beauty and health of the woman! For reference: white (golden) linen – especially cultivated plant, a rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, vitamins (A, B, E, F), minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium), polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6), phytohormones (lignans). White linen complex impacts on human health, eliminating many causes of anxiety, but they tend to lurk in the depths of our body. Disruptions in immune and detoxifying systems, improper metabolism, hormone restructuring – that's a small list of problems suffered by thousands of women and decide who to help white linen!

Humanistic Theory

The present study it had as objective to identify the perception of the nurses who act in UTI front to the seriously ill patient, in view of that the theory is an instrument who evidences the facts, is necessary to make use of one of them when a research is become fullfilled, then the present work has as referencial the humanistic theory of Paterson and Zderad.Adotar the process to take care of of the Humanistic Theory is to work with the practical one of nursing from the experiences that involve the nurse and the receiving person of its care, necessarily articulated between itself. However, to define the essence of the humanistic nursing does not constitute easy task, therefore it depends on existenciais and fenomenolgicas experiences of the involved individuals, endowed with values, conceptions, myths and expectations ahead of experiences (LUCIO, PAGLIUCA, CARDOSO, 2008 P. 173) Therefore the essence of taking care of in UTI this come back toward the taking of decisions, based on the physiological and solid conditions of the patient, leading in consideration the humanizao of the care of nursing (VILLAGE; ROSSI, 2002). Thus the humanizao is a process that becomes the assistance accomplishes the seriously ill patient considering the human being as a whole, with actions directed toward all involved in the health process – the illness of the patient. (VILLAGE; ROSSI, 2002). The Nursing is the art and the science of taking care of, to take care of of people! so that this is viable is necessary a process of interaction between who takes care of and who is well-taken care of, is necessary exchange of information and feelings between these pessoas' ' (ZINN, HISSES AND HISSES, 2003, p.327). Thus being, one searched with this work to identify the perception of the nurses who act in units of intensive therapy front to the seriously ill patient.

Satellite Systems

Elektro Weimar from Reutlingen informs its clients practically hit the hour of analogue satellite television. On 30.04.2012 all major German TV stations will offer a their analog broadcast via satellite and completely on the broadcasting of digital television. Elektro Weimar, Reutlinger company electrical engineering, informed about the conversion of older satellite receivers to digital signals. Plants that are no older than ten years, should have mostly no problems to process digital television signals. Therefore, only the connection of a digital receiver is needed for their conversion.

It looks different, if not the receiving system is geared to work with digital signals. In this case, it can be moved to by conversion in order to receive Highband frequencies of more than 11.7 GHz. The vast majority of the German digital channels use this frequency range, with the exception of some channels which continue to operate within the frequency ranges of analogue satellite television. Can the Not receive the Highband satellite receiver, a digital receiver of benefits would be. Although he could receive some few lowband stations, the vast majority of the digital television would remain but locked him. Even after the transition to a digital receiver, an old analog receiver with some reprogramming effort continue up to 30.04.2012 can be used. Given the limited remaining lifetime and the effort required to the reprogramming should in the course of the changeover but better equal to a digital receiver acquired are. In practice, the necessary conversion work on the satellite system vary significantly with the foreseen number of participants.

In any case, it must have the ability to switch between the high – and Lowbandfrequenzen in each vertical and horizontal level. A satellite facility for one or two users, the conversion is quite simple to make, by replacing the previously used single – or twin-LNB with corresponding digital reception enabled universal LNB. In contrast, the conversion of reception facilities, which are expected to serve four or more participants, is much more complex and should be done best by a qualified electronics specialists. The Reutlinger company Elektro Weimar staff do this gladly with many years of experience and expertise available. Press contact Elektro Weimar contact person: Mr Weimar Lam str. 53 72768 Reutlingen Tel.: 0 71 21 / 6 770 67 fax: 0 71 21 / 67 70 17 mobile: 01 71 / 9 34 97 05 email: Homepage:

Federal University

Social text projects, moved for ONGs and the proper government, aim at to the preservation of the Atlantic bush as one of the biggest wealth of the country, among them are distinguished, in Alagoas, the Arboretum project Campus Simes B.C. Located inside of the campus of the Federal University, the project counts approximately on an area of four hectares destined to the culture of Brazilian native species. Samples of the plants in areas of closed bush are collected, and in the Arboretum, these are developed to the production of changes and seeds with the purpose to reforest degraded areas of bush, distribution of the changes for urban authorization and also for developments of social projects of ambient awareness; that they go since the direct involvement of primary schools with the project, aiming at to the awareness of children on the importance of the preservation; to the initiatives as the collective young, that forms young between 17 and 25 years to the found conservation of biomas in our country.

The project counts on the support the university city hall, however, some difficulties are faced by its coordinators and assistant, the neighborhood little expert of the importance of the project, that finishes for destroying the plants in favor of its benefits staff; also the lack of social spreading and the subsequent decrease demand of research related to arboretum, are examples of these. The diffusion of the same with the purpose expanding is important and improving the ambient preservation.

Internet Courses

In Soviet times, schoolchildren one of the most disliked subjects was English. First he did not like, because that is difficult, later, to the tenth class, English is not loved, for the meaninglessness of his study. Where speak in English? And why would learn if it is not useful in life? Few Soviet citizens could afford to travel abroad, wherever they might come in handy English proficiency. But now times have changed. Even the children clearly understand that without the knowledge of English can not escape in this world. On a prestigious job, must take an interest your knowledge of foreign languages, and the level of English in particular. Work in the area computer technology, advanced scientific developments, it is objectively would be more efficient with knowledge of English. And appeared in recent years to rest, study, internship abroad! How did this do without, though elementary, English language proficiency? Modern man to satisfy all his ambitions just need foreign language, English in the first place, because modern world is focused angloyazychen.

Well-advanced students – they learn from the conscious understanding of critical need language skills. Who is insufficient school level English, deals with tutor, either alone or optional. But what about the student 70-80’s? How can he, sophisticated backgrounds and engaged in daily affairs, to fill this gap in knowledge of English? Now is not there problems for the person wanting to improve their English language proficiency. Just open the newspaper with the ads – its pages are full of suggestions for English language courses. Choose! Firms engaged in foreign exchange training, will offer various options: more expensive courses, and cheaper, quicker or more thoroughly, individually or collectively, a flexible schedule of classes and lessons with the departure of the teacher. The market data services are offered also private English lessons, computer programs to learn English, English lessons over the Internet. You can even learn the English language alone, but in reality a rare individual can do it.

When learning English for good learning just need to close to you was a man – the support of this language, ie, owning them perfectly or perfectly aware of it. Only he is able to convey to you when learning all the nuances of language. There is only one way – English language courses. Choose English language courses that are acceptable to you and go for it.