Tag Archives: b2b seo search engine optimization

Common Errors On The Internet

While optimization techniques and search engine optimization are similar for all sites, because what is sought is basically the same-best-sales metrics and more, there are some important differences when working with sites designed to meet the needs of other businesses (B2B), which are to be taken some precautions and considerations other than when working a site for the final consumer (B2C or Business to Consumer). First, the niche to which it points is quite different. When an individual consumer seeks to satisfy a need for personal consumption, the purchasing decision lies in himself, ie the process is much simpler and more direct: he sees something that interests you and you buy it. However, when working with B2B sites, usually who is in charge of purchasing is an intermediary between the person who actually approves the purchase, and the site selling the product or service. Therefore, efforts should be twofold: to convince and recruit who “discovered” and proposes to purchase the product, and do the same with whom he has executive power over such decisions. This will directly impact, first on the selection of keywords we use to promote the call to action.

Generally, companies focus on promoting trade names, technical characteristics and specific terms that seem relevant, but not to potential customers. There are a number of questions that are necessary to put the emphasis on what really matters: Who will look for our products? And with what terms? A proper solution would be to look not only at the keyword search tools, but social networks how words refer to those products and services. The lack of relevant content is another common mistake, especially semantically relevant to the keywords. It is necessary to provide content to educate customers, perhaps more so than when it comes to final consumers, compare options, providing technical data, and describe fully the comparative advantages of that product or services with respect to competitors. Lack of optimization in the various pages of the site, especially what is related to the use of keywords in a relevant way. Two typical cases is not to use them in the url of the various pages, or use them in anchor links. For example, instead of including the link to the technical characteristics of a product with the phrase “Click here”, the ideal is to place “Technical characteristics of ABZ50” with a link along the entire sentence. Doing SEO for B2B sites implies an additional challenge, marked first by the little tradition of optimizing web pages that firms tend to have, and the additional component of complexity when making the call to action that visitors have, specifically the need to delegate the decision to purchase another person or persons.