Tag Archives: catering & hospitality


These should be regular, so ideally to any holiday, event or special Menu offerings, be personally invited to the hotel. New way new approach the hotel operators was evident from the outset made by the Schmidt printing: should the strategy really succeed and increase the number of overnight guests, it would be done not only with the approval of the advertising strategy. What mattered at least as much, was a change of thinking and a new willingness in relation to investments and consequence. So how the hotel absolutely high grade presented itself, also the integrated CI, the imagery, and also the entire processing of print products of that appeal had to meet fully. Innovation in turn was able to prove the hotel with a QR code printed on each card, invitation, or information. The code is photographed with an Internet-enabled phone, the Web site opens or directions will be visible. About the printer Schmidt GmbH & Co.KG: The printing house Schmidt GmbH & co. KG is headquartered in Lunen and offers its clients services in the areas of consulting, Prepress, printing, finishing and fulfillment of.

The printing house is traditional offset printing. The company is one of the 20 largest printing companies in the Ruhr area and has grown over the years into a print and media services. Managing partner, Theodor Schmidt, already manages the company in the third generation and turnover with its approximately 46 employees 2009 and 2010 over 5.5 million euros a year. Based on the benchmark size standard in the printing industry of around 100,000 euros turnover per employee the company is very well positioned and well prepared for the future. In June 2011, the company with the acquisition of digital business center GmbH & co. KG in Dortmund has expanded its portfolio to include digital printing business. The range of services has itself is thus continuously adapted to the demands of the market and design and advertising, digital media, B-to-B and Web-to-print production is complemented today with the segments. Contact for the press: press & more, a Division of MPM medienhaus GmbH Jurgen Ronsch Nottulner road 90, 48161 Munster Tel. + 49 (0) 2534 8001-120 fax: + 49 (0) 2534 8001-24