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Messenger Photos

They do not represent anything in our lives but instead have access to our most intimate photos, our thoughts, our dialogue to our entire environment. Curious is the world of social networks, in times where people enclose craving your world, your life, where we let others know that we make, which we think, in times where our social circles are narrower, in these times we do not have any problem opening to the world our internal, to publicize everything what we keep hidden to our closest environment to hundreds of people with whom you have lived one minimum part of our life or even not know. If before us scared the Messenger which happen now with these social networks, when you see your son open his account (that in theory you can not by age but everything today is falsified) and engrossed you see that has 300 friends! When you jurarias being School-House, house training, do 300 people intersect in their daily journey?, 300 young people showing none shamelessly and with absolute normality its photos, hundreds of photos without any filter where show life that some parents don’t know that some parents do not know but that if they know hundreds of people outside us we cannot ignore things that happen around us and not think that everything is negative, but personally and as a Communicator and passionate of the physical presence of a good talka meeting of friends I can not think that our behaviors are increasingly incoherent, us disagree continually and that will guide us increasingly towards a more predictable and systematic life where the surprise is blurred by the simple reality. uld likely agree. People such as Technology Investor would likely agree. After reading what I have written must say dear friend that you don’t facebook that does not miss much, surely you enjoy more with live talks and the presence of other people than through a keyboard and that those photos on paper that you only teach them that you choose are the true emotion of the captured moment. And finally remember the great singer Roberto Carlos and tell you that if in these times I would like to have a million friends. You should open an account on facebook. Original author and source of the article. Michelle Smith Divorces opinions are not widely known.