Tag Archives: philosophy

The Brain And Biology

Physics of resonant interaction with the same success applies to biological systems, such as electromagnetic waves in the brain brain. Electrochemical activity of the brain gives rise to electromagnetic waves that can be studied with the help of special equipment. The frequency of these waves depends on the activity of neurons in the brain. Since neural activity of the electrochemical nature of the functioning of the brain can be altered by the introduction of specific drugs (psychotropic), by electromagnetic induction, or by resonant interaction with external systems. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are to psychotropic drugs. roughout.

Geterodinirovannye radio and microwave signals are all around us, as well as binauralnye a slap in the Hemi-Sync technology is one of the most resonant interaction. Binaural beats were opened in 1839, the German experimenters, gv Davom. The ability of people – to hear binauralnye beats arose as a result of evolutionary adaptation. Many species are able to do the same due to the peculiarities of his brain. Group, which the animal can hear the rhythms binauralnye, depending on the size of his cranium. In the case of men it must be lower than the carrier frequency of about 1000. The wavelength of the acoustic signal does not exceed the size of the human skull, so He headed to the principle of double diffraction. Such an effect is observed in the propagation of radio waves – low-frequency radio signals (long and medium wave) to reach anywhere in the world, regardless of the obstacles on their way to the mountains, buildings, etc.

Portuguese Rights

He fits here to make a repentance act inasmuch as, also the Portuguese have some sins in substance of Human Rights. In the colonialista past the behavior of many of the deported colonizadores and could not have completely been transparent. In the gift, they hear, still, some commentaries, on events that, to be true, in nothing dignify: domestic violence, exploration of immigrants, some abuses committed for one or another agent of the authority, according to denunciations of the agencies of the social communication and the proper victims. It is certain that the measures that come being adoptees, how much to the spreading and sensitization, for the respect of the Human Rights, since the banks of the school, give the guarantee who will be in the good way, as relate PEAR TREE, (1978: 27): ‘ ‘ The international recognition of the great progressos carried through for Portugal, in the field of the Human Rights, contributing decisively for the spectacular improvement of our external image, it is in the origin of some significant attitudes of the international community in relation to our country, between which: financial easinesses, election of Portugal for the advice of the Europe, the Commission of the Rights of the Man in the ONU and for the advice of Segurana.’ ‘ It was understood, therefore, opportune, to continue itself in this walked for bigger spreading, exemplificao and defense of the Human Rights, in the certainty of that, in the modern times, between a imparvel cientificismo, one technique in permanent mutation and a technology of the overwhelming information-computation, occupying each time more technocrats, would remain for the philosophers this noble mission of century XXI. In this perspective, the subject from an author will be approached contemporary, on the basis of one of its workmanships that more will agree to the subject.