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Integrating Science

The main objectives of the state science and technology policy are to promote the rational distribution and efficient use of scientific and technological capacity, enhancing the contribution of science and technology in economic development State implementation of major social problems, provision of progressive structural changes in the material production, improve its efficiency and competitiveness, improving environmental conditions and protection of information resources of the state, strengthening national defense and security of individuals, society and the state, strengthening the relationship between science and education. The most important principles of the state of science policy are: The reliance on domestic scientific potential (stimulating the development of basic scientific research, conservation and development of major national research schools; promotion of modern science, their relevance to the future of Russia, the protection of the rights and interests of Russian scientists abroad); Freedom of scientific creativity (consistent democratization of the scientific sphere, the openness and transparency in the formulation and implementation of science policy, creating conditions for healthy competition and entrepreneurship in science and technology, stimulate and support innovation, providing unhindered access to public information and the right of free exchange, the formation of economic conditions for greater use of science, the promotion of key importance for the Russian economy scientific and technological innovations); creation of conditions for organization of research and development in order to provide the necessary defense and national security; Integrating Science and education (development of an integrated system of training highly qualified scientific personnel of all levels); protection of intellectual property rights of researchers, organizations and the state; development research and development of various forms of ownership, support for small innovative businesses; increasing the prestige of scientific work, decent living conditions and the work of scholars and specialists. The most important task of the state scientific-technical and innovation policy in the long term is to set priorities for scientific, technical and innovative fields, have an impact on increasing production efficiency and product competitiveness.