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Separate Technology

the integrated package of machinery, equipment and information – to acquire. To inquire about this aspect, 76 percent of the surveyed companies said not to have had any experience related to the negotiation of technology. This 76 per cent consists mostly of small and medium enterprises (85 per cent of all small and 72 percent of all medium-sized). In addition, 31 percent of large enterprises He stated having no experience in relation to negotiation of technology. Of the companies that reported having experience in the negotiation of technology, activities that were most often performed as part of the negotiation process were the search for technological alternatives (over 60 percent) and the search for advice in the country (over 50 percent). Draws attention, equally, that barely a third of them said having made an unpacked negotiation, i.e., separating the different technological elements that wanted to acquire and discussing the separate conditions of their transfer, which presupposes, in the sense indicated above, internal technological capacity of some significance. With regard to this last aspect raises some differences between sectors, since 17 percent of traditional companies with experience in negotiation of technology makes negotiation unpacked, while 52 percent of the companies in the mechanical sector says this activity. The effective acquisition of technological capacity requires resources that go beyond those foreseen to carry out the negotiation process.

The existence of formal terms in a contract of technology does not guarantee anything. For example, the achievement of a good training contract must be accompanied by close supervision and control over it, and this assumes mastery of purely technical elements by the enterprise receiving and not only the inclusion of this or that clause, which is certainly important, but not sufficient. Definitely by the above is determined, that much of the Venezuelan companies all focuses on the purchase of machinery and equipment – built-in technology – and given an importance of relatively minor to technology acquisition disincorporated, aspect this that houses a great weakness.