
Moreover, many times, only the energy is not enough for the transformation of the residue, being necessary the raw material use to modify them physically or chemically. These news residues, nor always are so or simpler than those that had been recycled, they are possible that they become still more aggressive the man and the environment of what the residue that is being recycled. Depending on its danger and complexity, these rejeitos can cause new problems, as the impossibility of being recycled, the lack of technology for its treatment, the lack of places for storage and all the cost that this would cause. We need to consider that the residues generated for the recycled materials in the end of its useful life have the possibility to be again recycled – thus closing the cycle. A parameter that generally is rejected in the evaluation of recycled products is the risk to the health of the users of the new material, and the proper workers of the recicladora industry, due to leaching of soluble fractions or even though for the evaporation of volatile fractions. The residues many times are constituted by dangerous elements as metals heavy (Compact disc, Pb) volatile organic composites. These when exactly inert materials in the materials after the recycling, can present risks, therefore nor always the recycling processes guarantee the immobilization of these components.

Of this form, she is necessary that the choice of the recycling of a residue is multicriteria and ponders all the possible alternatives with regard to the energy consumption and raw material for the chosen process of recycling. 3. CONCLUSION When developing this work, we start to understand that the recycling also has a basic paper in the reaproveitamento of the solid residues and in the preservation of the environment, giving social service to all society. To reach the sustainable development using residues of the civil construction it is basic the recycling and the P&amp methodology; D, being effective for the market of the solid residues. .